24 Jun 2020, 17:10


New grants

Ministerstvo financí a Fondy EHP a Norska

3rd Open Call under the Fund for Bilateral Relations

The Ministry of Finance – National Focal Point for the EEA and Norway Grants in the Czech Republic announces the third Open Call for submission of Grant applications for bilateral initiatives under the Fund for Bilateral Relations within the framework of the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021.

6/17/2021: Deadline of the call.
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Preparation of the 5th call TA CR ETA

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR) is preparing the 5th call of the Program for the Support of Applied Social Science and Humanities Research, Experimental Development and Innovation of the ETA. The announcement is scheduled for September 2, 2020.

KAPPA call will no longer be announced, ZÉTA may be January / February 2021, but due to lack of funding it is not certain, a new SIGMA program is being prepared, it should combine ETA, ZETA and GAMA (the program should be approved in 2021, conditions and specific topics will be defined for each call separately).

9/2/2020: Expected date of announcement of the call.
10/15/2020: Deadline of the call.
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Questionnaire for Research Data Management at Masaryk University

Intended for academic staff/researchers at FSS

Kind request to complete a questionnaire for Research Data Management at Masaryk University (it could take about 20 min, 30 questions).

The questionnaire is available here.

(it links to Czech version, please change for English version at the top right corner of the questionnaire)

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TA CR - Preparation of the 4th call - Environment for Life, Subprogramme 3

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR) is preparing the 4th public tender of the Program for the Support of Applied Research, Experimental Development and Innovation in the Field of the Environment - Environment for Life, Subprogramme 3.

The announcement is planned for September 9, 2020.

9/9/2020: The announcement of the call.
10/28/2020: Deadline of the call.
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Events prepared by the RMU Research Department

Events prepared by the RMU Research Department:

  • October 8, 2020 (2-3 pm) - internal seminar on implemented TACR projects intended for researchers and project support; registration here.
  • October 13-15, 2020 - Grants Week, registration and program here. From the program: Getting Ready for Horizon Europe (Seán McCarthy, workshop, online), H2020 at MU, H2020 individual grants (ERC & MSCA)
  • November 10, 2020 (9-12 am) - Applied Research Funding Landscapes - presentation of applied national / international schemes; registration here.
10/8/2020: Workshop - implemented TA CR projects
10/13/2020: October 13-15, 2020 Grants week
11/10/2020: Applied Research Funding Landscapes
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Online seminar on the 5th call of the Program ETA

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic is organizing an online seminar on the 5th call of the Program for the Support of Applied Social Science and Humanities Research, Experimental Development and Innovation of ETA, which will take place on September 4, 2020 from 10 a.m.

The 5th ETA call will be announced on September 2, 2020.

Register here.
If you have any questions about the 5th ETA call, please send them to the Helpdesk. The most frequently asked questions will also be answered at the upcoming webinar.

9/4/2020: Webinar - 5th TA CR ETA call.
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Internal seminar on the implementation of TA CR projects

The RMU Research Department organizes an internal seminar on the implementation of TA CR projects from the signing of the contract to the end of the project, including the addition of practical aspects to the manual for implemented TA CR projects. The seminar will be designed primarily for scientists who are starting with TA CR projects.

The seminar will take place on October 8, 2020 from 2 p.m. in the RMU Grand Meeting Room.

Please register here.

10/8/2020: The seminar will take place on October 8, 2020 from 2 p.m. in the RMU Grand Meeting Room (in Czech).
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Seminar - possibilities of grant support for research in 2020

For colleagues dealing with project support at institutes and departments

The RMU Research Department invites you to a meeting, which will take place on 17 September 2020 (9.00 am - 11.00 am) in room 300 on Comenius Square - REGISTRATION.

The main topic will be the presentation of the possibilities of grant support for research and the plan of grant actions for the second half of 2020.

9/17/2020: Seminar - possibilities of grant support for research in 2020.
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5th call TA CR ETA

TA CR has announced 5th ETA call with a deadline on October 15, 2020.

The call is not thematically limited.

9/9/2020: Please let us know if you are interested in this call (lorencova@fss.muni.cz). We will sent you more information about the call.
9/29/2020: A deadline for a request for an approval by the Ethics commitee via ISEP (more information here).  
10/15/2020: Deadline of the call.
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Announcement of the 4th call of the Environment for Life program

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, in cooperation with the Ministry of the Environment, has announced the fourth public tender to support applied research, experimental development and innovation in the field of the environment - Environment for Life, sub - program 3.

This competition is announced only for research topic No. 7 - Socio-economic research in the field of environment.

The project consortium must consist of a minimum of three applicants and only one best project will be supported.

9/16/2020: Let us know if you are interested in this call (lorencova@fss.muni.cz).
10/27/2020: Deadline of the call.
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Announcement of the call of the Internal Grant Agency of Masaryk University (IGA MU)

The support is intended for students of accredited doctoral study programs for individual student one-year grants in the areas of research and development.

Presentation from the on line information seminar IGA (in Czech).

9/24/2020: Please let us know if you (your PhD student) are interested in this call (jitka.hotarkova@fss.muni.cz).
10/19/2020: Budget consultation by October 9, 2020 (Denisa Prchalová, prchalova@fss.muni.cz).
10/20/2020: Deadline for sending the draft proposal for review to the Office for Research and Project Support (Jitka Hotárková, jitka.hotarkova@fss.muni.cz). Feedback until October 25, 2020.
10/27/2020: Deadline for the proposal submission in ISEP. The project record in ISEP must be approved by this date (Approval tab - select "Close proposal and approve electronically"). Proposals finished after 27 October will not be approved at the faculty level.
10/30/2020: An electronic approval has to be finished in ISEP.
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Grantová agentura MU

New calls of Grant Agency of Masaryk Univerzity

Interdisciplinary Research Projects - deadline November 30, 2020

Support for Integration of Researchers After a Career Break- deadline October, 31, 2020

International Grants Arrangements - proposals can be submitted continuously through the year.

Award for Outstanding Research Results - the nomination is internal and is coordinated by the RMU Research Office.


10/31/2020: Deadline - Support for Integration of Researchers After a Career Break
11/30/2020: Deadline - Interdisciplinary Research Projects
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Grantová agentura MU

MUNI Award in Science and Humanities

Grant Agency of MU has announced these calls:

MUNI Award in Science and Humanities (MASH) - deadline December 31, 2020
MUNI Award in Science and Humanities JUNIOR (MASH JUNIOR) - deadline December 31, 2020

12/31/2020: Deadline for application (MASH, MASH JUNIOR).
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Call for proposals based on the Lead Agency evaluation principle in cooperation with the Polish agency NCN

The Czech Science Foundation (GA CR) announces a call for projects based on the Lead Agency evaluation principle. The call concerns projects in cooperation with the Polish NCN agency within the CEUS initiative.

In this call, the Polish agency NCN acts as the Lead Agency.

The deadline for the call at the Czech site is December 22, 2020.

9/30/2020: Let us know if you are interested in this call, please (lorencova@fss.muni.cz).
12/15/2020: Deadline of the call in NCN Agency.
12/22/2020: Deadline of the call in GA CR (for Czech applicants).
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Call for nominations for members of the Czech Science Foundation (GA CR) evaluation panels

The Czech Science Foundation (GA CR) announces a call for proposals for candidates to the evaluation panels of the GA CR.

More information (in Czech only) and forms here.

11/30/2020: Deadline for a nomination form submission (via a databox).
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Open Science Workshop 2020

The aim of the event held on October 16, 2020 is to inform researchers about news in the field of Open Science - such as the current state of the European Open Science Cloud and recommendations and tools in the field of data management (Data Managment Plan - DMP).

An interactive workshop will be held in the afternoon, where participants will be able to express their views on this agenda and get information about the University's Open Science team, including representatives of the Implementation Group.

The whole event will take place on line. Registration here.

The program is attached.

10/16/2020: Date of the seminar (on lin, MS Teams).
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on line školení

On lin seminar - the Internal Grant Agency of Masaryk University (IGA MU)

On October 8, 2020, at 9:30 a.m., an online seminar will be held for the student competition of the Internal Grant Agency (IGA) intended for students of accredited doctoral study programs for individual student one-year grants in the areas of research and development.

The deadline for submitting proposals for the competition is October 30, 2020.

The link for the seminar here.


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Open Science

Open Science - a series of lectures for scientists at FSS

Open Science team in cooperation with the FSS library, invites you to a series of lectures on Open Science for researchers at FSS.

Registration and option to insert a question.

Information and access to online lectures in the leaflet here.

6/11/2020, 9-11 h: Introduction to Open Science
13/11/2020, 9-11 h: Open Access
11/27/2020, 9-11 h: Open Data
4/12/2020, 9-11 h: Data Management Plan

11/6/2020: 9-11 h: Introduction to Open Science
11/13/2020: 9-11 h: Open Access
11/27/2020: 9-11 h: Open Data
12/4/2020: 9-11 h: Data Management Plan
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Preliminary parameters of the 4th public tender TA CR THETA

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic is preparing the 4th public tender of the Program to support applied research, experimental development and innovation THETA.

The announcement of the public tender is planned for February 10, 2021.

2/11/2021: The announcement of the call.
5/12/2021: Deadline of the call.
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Open Science - a series of on line lectures for scientists at FSS

Open Science team in cooperation with the FSS library, invites you to a series of lectures on Open Science for researchers at FSS.

Registration and option to insert a question.

Information and access to online lectures in the leaflet here.

13/11/2020, 9-11 h: Open Access
11/27/2020, 9-11 h: Open Data
4/12/2020, 9-11 h: Data Management Plan

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Mezinárodní spolupráce

Crowdhelix Network - opportunities for an international cooperation

Crowdhelix is an Open Innovation platform that forges links between an international network of excellent researchers and innovating companies.

Masaryk University is a member of the Cowdhelix platform.

Crowdhelix users can profile themselves, their teams, and their organizations, and post opportunities to collaborate.

Create your account here.

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Seminar on the open calls of the MU Grant Agency - GAMU (on line, in Czech)

The Research Department RMU organizes an online seminar on calls within the MU Grant Agency (GAMU).

Address: https://cesnet.zoom.us/j/93163824381

Thursday November 12 from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.


11/12/2020: On line seminar (in Czech) on GAMU calls: Interdisciplinary Research Projects, MASH, MASH JUNIOR (9.30-10:30 a.m.)
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Dům zahraniční spolupráce

3rd call for proposals for institutional cooperation projects

The aim of the call is to increase the level of human capital and the educational base.
The projects are intended to strengthen cooperation between the Czech Republic and donor countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) between institutions at all levels of education, with an emphasis on the themes of democracy and active citizenship in teaching.

11/30/2020: Plase, let us know if you are interested in this call and send a short project annotation to wolfova@fss.muni.cz. The form for annotation here.
2/17/2021: Deadline of the call (3 p.m.).
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Dům zahraniční spolupráce

3rd call for proposals for inclusive education projects under the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021

The aim of the call is to increase the level of human capital and the educational base.

The projects are to strengthen cooperation between the Czech Republic and donor countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) in the development of competencies and skills of teachers and trainers for the implementation of inclusive classroom education, thereby increasing the inclusion of disadvantaged groups in education, including Roma inclusion.

12/10/2020: Plase, let us know if you are interested in this call and send a short project annotation to wolfova@fss.muni.cz. The form for annotation here.
3/3/2021: Deadline of the call.
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TA CR - schedule of calls and public tenders for 2021

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR) has published a schedule of calls and public tenders for 2021.

More information here.

The call of the newly emerging SIGMA program, which would also support applied research in the field of social sciences, humanities and arts (SHUV), will probably be announced in 2022 with the support of projects from 2023.

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Open (FAIR) Data + Data Management Plan: online seminar


  • Introduction of Open Science as an emerging trend in the sharing of research data - Open (FAIR) Data
  • Possibilities of support for researchers at MU
  • Open Data as a project condition
  • Data management plan
  • Discussion

When: on Friday, December 4, 9:00 - 11:00 at MS Teams.

Prior registration is not required, you can join the lecture using this link.

12/4/2020: Open (FAIR) Data + Data Management Plan: online seminar, 9-11 a.m.
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The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR) is organizing a webinar on the Interim/Final Reports, which will take place on 16 December 2020, 1-3 p.m. 

The aim of the webinar is to acquaint the representatives of the implemented projects with the reporting of data in the Interim/Final Reports.

Register here.

12/16/2020: Webinar TA ČR - interim/final reports. 1-3 p.m. Registration here.
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Fondy EHP a Norska

EEA and Norway funds - a new Reine call from the Environment program

The State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic has announced a new call "Reine" in the program Environment, Ecosystems and Climate Change

Supported activities are the creation of media outputs, professional and popular science publications, organization of trainings, seminars, workshops and other awareness-raising activities and educational campaigns, which correspond to the areas of support within the Program:

Improving the state of the environment in ecosystems
Reducing the negative impact of human activity on air quality
Reducing the negative impact of human activity on water quality
Climate change mitigation and adaptation to local climate change

1/8/2021: If you are interested in this call, please contact Jitka Wolfová (wolfova@fss.muni.cz) as soon as possible (no later than January 8, 2021). Only one applicant (ie MU) can submit one application to each area No. 1-4!
2/15/2021: Deadline of the call (12 a.m.).
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GA CR - call for projects based on the LA principle with the Slovenian agency ARRS

The Grant Agency of the Czech Republic announces a call for submission of research projects based on the Lead Agency evaluation principle. The call concerns projects in cooperation with the Slovenian agency ARRS as a Lead Agency within the CEUS initiative.

2/12/2021: Deadline for submitting proposals to the Slovenian Agency.
2/19/2021: Deadline for submitting applications on the Czech side via the GRIS application.
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On January 13, 2021, the RMU Research Department is organizing a webinar on grant project management and how to improve it.

1/13/2021: Webinar on grant project management (9-12 a.m., 1-3:30 p.m.)
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PF 2021

Dear colleagues,

We wish you all the best in the new year 2021, good health and success. Thank you for your trust and successful cooperation.

Team of the Research and Project Support Department

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online event

Matchmaking Event – Social Pharmacy

We would like to invite you to the joint get-together event (the topic is SOCIAL PHARMACY) that aims to better integrate the pharmaceutical research into other faculties' concepts. 

In addition to presentations given by the colleagues from MUNI PHARM, you are warmly invited to share your complementary research ideas and offer capacities.

Deadline for a registration and sending the slides (template here) for active presentation to mme@pharm.muni.cz is Monday, February 1st (3 minutes for a presentation, preferably in Czech).

The event takes place on February 3, 2021, 9-11 a-m., online.

2/1/2021: Deadline for a registration and a presentation submission (mme@pharm.muni.cz).
2/3/2021: Date of the event (9-11 a.m.), online.
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Webinar Gender Equality in Responsible Research & Innovation

Invitation to two educational events for all interested in the topic of Gender Equality in Responsible Research & Innovation.

When: January 13 and 20, 2021.


1/13/2021: 1st webinar Gender Equality in Responsible Research & Innovation. 11-12:15
1/20/2021: 2nd webinar Gender Equality in Responsible Research & Innovation. 11-12:15
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Czech Science Foundation (GA CR) calls in 2021

  • Standard projects
  • International projects:
Bilateral cooperation
Taiwan - Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)
South Korea - National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
Russia - Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR)
São Paulo, Brazil - São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)
Lead Agency cooperation
Austria - Austrian Science Fund (FWF) - continuous challenge
Germany - German Research Foundation (DFG)
Poland - National Science Center (NCN)
Slovenia - Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) - current call (11 December 2020 - 12 February 2021, or 19 February 2021 for the Czech part)
Switzerland - Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
EXPRO call will be announced in 2022 and then only in even years.
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TA CR THETA 4th call - the priority research objectives

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR) has published the priority research objectives for the 4th public call of the Program for the Support of Applied Research, Experimental Development and Innovation THETA, which will be announced on February 10, 2021.

2/10/2021: 4th TA CR THETA call will be announced
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ERC projects - delays to 2021 calls and videos about preparing ERC proposals

The first ERC Calls in 2021 will be delayed due to the late adoption of the EU Budget 2021-2027 and the Horizon Europe programme.

Further information will be provided in January 2021.

For the time being, the Proof of Concept grant scheme is not included in the Draft 2021 ERC Work Programme. Specific information will be provided on some possible modifications to the scheme that may be made by the Scientific Council.

Call deadlines still apply:
• ERC Starting Grant (ERC-2021-StG): 09/03/2021
• ERC Consolidator Grant (ERC-2021-CoG): 20/04/2021
• ERC Advanced Grant (ERC-2021-AdG): 31/08/2021
• ERC Proof-of-Concept (ERC-2021-PoC): 16/03/2021, 17/06/2021, 20/10/2021

The ERC has released videos called "ERC Classes", which briefly summarize the process of submitting, writing and evaluating ERC projects, including preparation for the oral interview, which takes place in the second round of evaluations. You can find them on Youtube.

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Fondy EHP a Norska

The objective of this Open Call is to improve the understanding of new human rights issues and challenges and to find practical solutions contributing to better implementation of human rights standards at the national level.

The call aims to increase support for target groups, improve public understanding of human rights, and strengthen the capacity of research and educational institutions to address human rights issues and challenges.

4/29/2021: Deadline of the call.
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Workshop - Open Data in Social Sciences and Humanities

The main topic of the workshop will be Open Data in the Social Sciences and Humanities.

Representatives of the university-wide Open Science team will introduce the basic concepts in the field of Open Data and the specifics of research data for the humanities and social sciences.

The main part will be led by Mgr. Hynek Cígler, Ph.D. (FSS), which will introduce participants to the issue of sharing research data from the perspective of the researcher, will present their experience with the Open Science Framework repository and with the implementation of Open Science elements in teaching. The space will be devoted to discussion.

Register here.

2/19/2021: Workshop Open Data in Social Sciences and Humanities (2-4 p.m., MS Teams, in Czech).
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Are you interested in the GACR call?

The announcement of the GA CR calls 2022 is being prepared for the end of February 2021.

Calls for proposals for standard projects, JUNIOR STAR and POSTDOC INDIVIDUAL FELLOWSHIP projects and gradually also international projects can be expected. More info here (in Czech).

For those interested in submitting proposals, we have prepared (available here, in Czech):

  • a summary of the evaluators' most frequent comments on the proposals in previous calls,
  • summary of the evaluation procedure of proposals by Czech and foreign evaluators,
  • summary of success (presentation of Zdenka Žampachová, OV RMU) and allocations in past calls.
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TA CR THETA - 4th call announced

TA CR announced the fourth public tender in the Program for the Support of Applied Research, Experimental Development and Innovation THETA.

The main goal of the program is to contribute to the fulfillment of the vision of transformation and modernization of the energy sector in accordance with the approved strategic materials. This will be achieved through the support of energy research, development and innovation projects aimed at improving the governance of the energy sector by public administrations, new technologies and system elements with high potential for rapid application in practice, as well as long-term technological perspectives.

2/15/2021: Please, let us known if you are interested in this call (lorencova@fss.muni.cz)
5/12/2021: Deadline of the call
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Seminar MSCA - Postdoctoral Fellowships - support from MSCA OP JAK

MSCA - Postdoctoral Fellowships (formerly Individual Fellowships) scheme represent a rare and extremely convenient access to postdoctoral funding. 90% of MSCA-IF projects we submitted in H2020 surpassed the evaluation threshold of 70% and became eligible for OP VVV funding.

In 2021, MUNI is strengthening our support of MSCA-PF (IF) applications to exploit OP JAK MSCA-PF for the benefit of MUNI.

We invite you to learn more on this action at this seminar, and become part of this mission and benefit from the fund!

Registration here.

3/2/2021: Seminar OP JAK MSCA-PF (10-11:30 a.m.)
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ERC 2021 Work Programme

Established by the ERC Scientific Council, the 2021 work programme was adopted by the European Commission.

Starting Grant - DL 8 April 2021, Consolidator grant - DL  20 April 2021, Advanced Grant - DL 31 August 2021

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GA CR calls 2022

GA CR announced calls for proposals for standard and international projects, JUNIOR STAR projects and new POSTDOC INDIVIDUAL FELLOWSHIP.

The deadline of the calls is on April 22, 2021.

The announcement of the calls results is expected by December 6, 2021.

3/12/2021: Let us know if you are interested in one of the GA CR calls 2022 (lorencova@fss.muni.cz).
3/23/2021: Deadline for submission of applications for approval of the proposal by the Research Ethics Committee (application is submitted via ISEP, by 6 p.m.)
4/9/2021: Deadline for consultations on personal costs (doppler@fss.muni.cz, 549 493 349) and the total budget (kankovsk@fss.muni.cz, 549 494 365).
4/13/2021: Submission of the final budget of the proposal, including comments on the items to be checked (kankovsk@fss.muni.cz).
4/18/2021: Deadline for submission of drafts for the overall formal review (lorencova@fss.muni.cz).
4/20/2021: Submission of the project proposal for electronic approval in ISEP.
4/22/2021: Deadline of the call.
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Workshop - Anonymization of Research Data

The workshop's primary goal is to raise awareness of the issue of anonymization, provide practical tips, and introduce tools for anonymizing research data in the context of FAIR principles.

Members of the university-wide Open Science team MUNI (RNDr. Michal Růžička, Ph.D; Mgr. Ing.  Jiří Marek) will introduce the topic. The main part of the workshop will be led by Prof. Dr. Fabian Praßer (Berlin Institute of Health, Universitätsmedizin Berlin), a medical informatics professor who deals with anonymization in medicine.

The workshop is intended for the university public, both HSS (Humanities and Social Sciences) and STM (Scientific, Technical and Medical Sciences) researchers.

The workshop will be held in English.

Registration here.

3/12/2021: Workshop Anonymization of Research Data , 9-11 a.m.
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International Visegrad Fund

Visegrad Grants is a grant program run and financed by the International Visegrad Fund aimed at fostering cooperation between the V4 countries (Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia).
Proposals are accepted regularly three times per year always by February 1, June 1 and October 1.

6/1/2021: Deadline for proposal submission. Next deadlines: October 1, February 1.
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How to prepare a successful proposal in Horizon Europe

An information webinar of the European Commission "How to prepare a successful proposal in Horizon Europe" will take place on 24 March 2021.

The purpose of this event is to inform all potential applicants for funding from the Horizon Europe program, about the conditions and method of preparation of project proposals. More information, including registration, can be found here.

The European Commission has adopted the first strategic plan for Horizon Europe for the period 2021-2024. The Strategic Plan is a novelty of Horizon Europe and sets out strategic guidelines for targeting investments in the first four years of its implementation. It ensures that EU research and innovation activities contribute to the EU's priorities, including a climate-neutral and green Europe, a Europe ready for the digital age and a people-friendly economy. More information can be found here.

3/24/2021: Webinar "How to prepare a successful proposal in Horizon Europe". Registration here.
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Ministerstvo vnitra

IMAPKT 1 - 2nd public tender on the topic of artificial intelligence and security of the state and its citizens

The Ministry of the Interior has announced the second public tender of the IMPAKT 1 program on the topic of artificial intelligence as a means of increasing the capacity of security forces to perform tasks in ensuring the security of the state and its citizens.

The deadline is May 3, 2021.

5/3/2021: Deadline of the call.
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Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe - new website, events, webinars

The national portal for the Horizon Europe programme has launched.

Here you will find a large amount of information about the programme, invitations to interesting events related to the submission of proposals under the HE calls, announced and planned calls and other news.

To receive news from the area of project preparation and project implementation, invitations to interesting seminars organized not only at MU (as part of the IMPROVE project), please log here.

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Transport 2020+: preliminary parameters of 3rd public tender

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR) together with the Ministry of Transport informs about the preparation and upcoming announcement of the 3rd public tender of the Program for the Support of Applied Research, Experimental Development and Innovation in the Field of Transport - TRANSPORT 2020+.

The announcement of this public tender is planned for April 14, 2021.

The deadline for submitting proposals will be June 16, 2021.

6/16/2021: Deadline of the call.
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Environment for Life Program: preparation and preliminary parameters of the 5th public tender

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR) informs about the preparation of the 5th public tender of the Program for the Support of Applied Research, Experimental Development and Innovation in the Field of Environment - Environment for Life, the announcement of which is planned for April 28, 2021.

The deadline for submitting proposals will be June 30, 2021.

6/30/2021: Deadline of the call.
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Youth Impact

Selection procedure for young researchers to obtain a grant within the Youth Impact project

Selection procedure for young researchers to obtain a grant from the Excellence program within the Youth Impact project.

The main task of the program: to present a proposal for a study analyzing the effects of interventions in support of employment of young people in the Czech Republic.

4/15/2021: You can register for the Excelence tender here by April 15, 2021.
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TA CR webinar on implemented projects

4/28/2021: Webinar on implemented projects - TA CR.
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The aim of the call is to help establish contacts and develop cooperation between institutions active in the field of research and development in partner countries, by supporting mobility
researchers collaborating on international basic research projects.

4/30/2021: Deadline of the call - Austria.
6/30/2021: Deadline of the call - France, Germany.
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Horizon Europe

Horizon Europa Pillar 1 Excellent science

ERC: Preliminary calendar of ERC calls for 2022 and Working program published MSCA: delay in announcing MSCA PF calls

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Webinar Data Management Plan

Webinar intended to introduce data management and data management plans, how
to work properly with data collections, analysis and reporting.

Join Zoom Meeting via

More information here.

4/23/2021: Webinar Data Management Plan, 10 a.m.
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TRANSPORT 2020+ program: Announcement of the 3rd public tender

TA CR announced the third public tender in the Program for the Support of Applied Research, Experimental Development and Innovation in the Field of Transport TRANSPORT 2020+.

The main goal of the program is to develop the transport sector in a way that will reflect social needs, accelerate the technological and knowledge development of the Czech Republic and thus help grow the competitiveness of the Czech Republic.

5/4/2021: Online seminar on the call, 10 a.m.
6/16/2021: Deadline of the call.
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Open Science Roadshow na MUNI

The Open Science Roadshow goal is to present the draft of the Open Science Strategy MUNI 2022-2028 at individual Faculties and Institutes and to obtain feedback from academics. The feedback will help the University Open Science Team finalize the strategy draft and prepare it for university management approval in autumn 2021. 

19.5.2021: The meeting for the academic community of FSS will take place 19.5.2021 from 9:00 to 10:30 online using the MS Teams application. 
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Events and workshops - Horizon Europe

Tips for interesting events and workshops for the new Horizon Europe framework program:

  • REGON (5. 5. 2021), téma Partnership in Horizon Europe. At the national level, the involvement of the Czech Republic is coordinated by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and REGON we will welcome Lucia Núňez Tayupant, Head of the European Research Area at the Ministry of Education, including representatives of the TA CR (Táňa Hálová Perglová, ASCR (Alena Žochová, Department of International Cooperation of the Office of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic). Colleagues from the Technology Center, who are the national contact points for Pillar 2 clusters, have also promised to participate, and their remit will also include information on established partnerships.

In the discussion, Stella Horváthová from the Ministry of Regional Development of the Czech Republic will then present the upcoming call Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE 2021-2027.

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International Visegrad Fund

Visegrad Grants is a grant program run and financed by the International Visegrad Fund aimed at fostering cooperation between the V4 countries (Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia).
Proposals are accepted regularly three times per year always by February 1, June 1 and October 1.

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Registration of new evaluators of project proposals and implemented projects of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR)

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR) welcomes new evaluators of proposals and implemented projects of the TA CR.

More information for potential evaluators here (in Czech only).

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TA CR Environment for Life Program: Announcement of the 5th public tender

Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, in cooperation with the Ministry of the Environment, announced the fifth public tender to support applied research, experimental development and innovation in the field of environment - Environment for Life, sub-program 1 - Operational research in the public interest.

Deadline for submission of proposals 30.6.2021

The aim of sub-program 1 is to simplify and streamline public administration and to improve environmental management and regulation. 32 priority research objectives have been specified. Eight of them are directly focused on drought and other issues of climate change, and another ten are indirectly focused on partial technical and social problems of both adaptation and mitigation, ie reducing human contribution to climate change.

Info seminar for applicants 17.5.2021, registration here.

6/30/2021: Deadline of the call.
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The objectives of the new program are aimed at higher application of strategic priorities of R & D & I of the Czech Republic, systematic improvement of the quality of R & D & I in the Czech Republic, more intensive cooperation of companies and research organizations on international research and human resources in R & D & I.

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GA CR rules for the budget implementation in 2021 - COVID-19 pandemic

GA CR announced rules for the implementation of the budget as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021. 
Everything is summarized in the attached file (in Czech).
  • it can be transferred up to 100 ths CZK between personal and other direct costs,
  • direct costs may cover the costs of telecommunications services, the costs of acquisition, repair and maintenance of instruments and equipment in the field of communication technology and technologies, with the exception of the costs of telephones, dictaphones and readers. It is possible to purchase one computer, laptop, tablet used exclusively in direct connection with the solution of the project for one FTE,
  • you may include the cost of the COVID test when traveling abroad and fees for canceled conferences,
    and others

If you have any questions, if you need more information in English, please contact me or my colleague Lenka Placha (Financial office).

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Horizon Europa

Horin Europa news

In May and June, several events will take place aimed at gaining support and orientation in HEU programs.

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International grant projects evaluated on the Lead agency principle - GA CR as a partner agency

At present, proposals can be submitted to the call LA grants - GA CR in the role of a partner agency with:

Austria - Austrian Science Fund (FWF) - a continuous call
Germany - German Research Foundation (DFG) - a continuous call

The call with Switzerland - Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) - will be announced, with a deadline of October 1, 2021.

The call with Poland (NCN) and Slovenia (ARRS) should be announced in autumn 2021.

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Open Science Workshop 2021

The event will aim to acquaint academics and researchers with the planned activities at the university level and provide space for expressing comments and suggestions on the submitted material. The meeting will be divided into two parts. The first part of the workshop will present the emerging Open Science Strategy 2022–2028 at MUNI and its practical implications for research. Foreign guests will acquaint us with the current state of Open Science project conditions for Horizon Europe programs and examples of good practice in implementing Open Science in scientific communication abroad. The interactive part will be devoted to discussing the suggestions obtained at the so-called “Open Science Roadshow”, which took place during the spring months at individual economic centers and presented the strategy in more detail. The June workshop should summarize the findings and give space for further discussion of the submitted material. The summer months will then be used to finalize the strategic document, action plan, and related supporting methodologies and documents. The final version of the MUNI 2022–2028 Open Science Strategy should be ready in September this year so that the university management can officially approve it by the end of the year.

  • 9. 6. 2021, 10:00-16:00
  • online  MS Teams
  • in English language
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Update of the schedule of TA CR public tenders in 2021

The TA CR modified the plan of calls for the year 2021 - in the autumn of 2021, compared to the original plan, another public tender should be announced, including a call within the ETA Program.

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Agreement between GA CR and National Science Foundation (USA) - possibility of submitting joint projects

The Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (GA CR) has concluded a cooperation agreement with the US government agency National Science Foundation (NSF).

Researchers from the Czech Republic and the USA, with the support of both agencies, will be able to prepare proposals in the fields of artificial intelligence, nanotechnology or plasma sciences or astronomy and astrophysics, and in some areas of the social sciences.

The call for project proposals will be opened later this year. The costs of individual projects will be shared by the agencies - the Czech part of the project will be financed by the GA CR and the American part by NSF.

We will inform you about the opening of the call.

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Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe Info Days 2021

The European Commission has published the dates of the information days on the first calls of Horizon Europe, which will be hold online from 28 June to 9 July 2021.

Work programs for individual HE clusters should be published in mid-June 2021 and the first calls should be announced in the second half of June (approximately from June 22).

Information on Horizon Europe (2021-2027) can be found on the portal of the European Commission.

Cluster 4 Digital, Industry and Space, info day - June 29 and 30, 2021
6/30/2021: Cluster 3 Civil Security for Society  June 30, 2021
7/1/2021: Cluster 2 Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society July 1, 2021
7/2/2021: Cluster 1 Health July 2, 2021
7/5/2021: Cluster 5 Climate, Energy and Mobility July 5 and 6, 2021
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Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe - Work Programs 2021-2022 published

The EC published work programs for individual parts of the Horizon Europe program for the years 2021-2022 on the Funding & tender opportunities portal.

Work programs (WP) can be downloaded here.

WP for individual clusters and other components of Horizon Europe (ERC, MSCA ...) contain details of individual calls for the years 2021 and 2022.

The first calls will be announced from 22.6.2021.

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The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR) has issued a new version of the SME-07 Change Project Management Directive (in Czech) with effect from 14 June 2021.

Some guidelines from the new version of the directive:

  • changes in the budget (transfer between years, reduction / increase of total costs, change in the share of the research category in the project costs - industrial research, experimental development, innovation) - a request must be submitted by November 11 of relevant year through ISTA.
  • request for change of result - must be submitted no later than 60 days before the end of the project via ISTA.
  • changes in participants' data (change of legal form, statutory representative, ownership structure, change of application guarantor) - a request must be submitted / notified within 7 days from the moment it occurred via ISTA.
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Horizon Europe

A series of partner meetings on the Horizon Europe calls

Networks of national contact points, in cooperation with the EC, organize a series of online partner meetings (brokerage events). The actions will focus on the themes of the first calls of Horizon Europe clusters. The aim of the meeting is to establish cooperation in the preparation of research projects.

Participation in brokerage events is free, but it is necessary to register and fill in the profile of the organization, including the offered or requested expertise.

Partner meetings always for individual clusters take place at the beginning of July 2021, registration for some meetings ends on June 30, 2021.

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Horizon Europe

Opening of the calls of Horizon Europe for the social sciences and humanities in 2021

Cluster 2: Culture, Creativity and Inclusive society - first calls were opened on June 22, 2021 with deadlines on October 7, 2021

Areas of intervention

All information including work programme for 2021 here.

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Horizon Europe

First calls of cluster 6 - Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment - opened

Cluster 6: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment - firt calls were opened on June 22 2021.

Deadline on October 6 2021.

More information including work programme here.

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Student grant competition of Internal Grant Agency of Masaryk University 2nd call announced

  • Student grant projects to be submitted to the competition shall last one year (investigation from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022).
  • Applications may be submitted only for individual student grants i.e. the applicant must be the sole investigator.
  • Funds allocated to 1 project: CZK 479,160.
9/1/2021: Call announced
Please, let us known if you are interested in this call (lorencova@fss.muni.cz): Please, let us known if you are interested in this call (hotarkova@fss.muni.cz)
10/18/2021: Deadline of the call
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Technology and knowledge transfer - seminar

The MU Technology Transfer Center invites you to a seminar in the field of technology transfer and care for intellectual property, intended for administrative and scientific staff of Masaryk University who are interested in gaining a comprehensive basic insight into this issue.

9/17/2021, 9: 30-11: 30 h, Kounic Hall, 5th floor, RMU.

Lecturer Mrs. Eva Janouškovcová, Director of CTT MU.

Number of places limited. Register here.

9/17/2021: CTT seminar, 9: 30-11: 30 h, Kounic Hall, 585, 5th floor, RMU (Žerotínovo nám. 9)
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GA CR - announcement of the LA call in cooperation with the American NSF (National Science Foundation)

GA CR announces a call for submission of projects on the principle of evaluation of the Lead Agency with the expected beginning of the implementation in 2022 within the new cooperation with the American National Science Foundation (NSF).

More information about the call here (GA CR website, in Czech only) and here (NSF website).

9/6/2021: Please, let us know if you are interested in this call (lorencova@fss.muni.cz).
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Current calls within the international cooperation of LA grants (GA CR in the role of a partner organization, in the role of "Lead" agency is a foreign agency):

  • Austria - Austrian Science Fund (FWF) - continuous challenge
  • Germany - German Research Foundation (DFG) - continuous challenge
  • Switzerland - Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) - currently deadline until October 1, 2021
  • USA - National Science Foundation (NSF) - continuous challenge

Upcoming calls within the international cooperation of LA grants for the year 2021

  • NCN (Poland) - announcement autumn 2021, deadline winter 2021, start of implementation 1. 1. 2023
  • ARRS (Slovenia) - announcement autumn 2021, deadline winter 2021, start of implementation 1.8. 2022
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Grants Week MUNI 2021

Masaryk University Research Office organizes Grants Week 2021 (October 12.-15. 2021).

Programme and registration here.

12.10.2021: H2020 a Horizont Evropa

13.10.2021: How to write a competitive proposal for Horizon Europe (Dr. Seán McCarthy)

14.10.2021: ERC and MSCA in H2020/HE

15.10.2021: International research cooperation - national support (GAČR, TAČR)

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Horizon Europe seminars

Webinars - Horizon Europe programme:

National Information Day on the ERC grants, 8.9.2021

Information Day CZ-SK on Widening Instruments 2021-2022, 31.8.2021

Webinar: Pathfinder Challenges 2021, 2.9.2021

How to become an evaluator of Horizon Europe projects, 14.9.2021

Budget preparation and cost reporting in Horizon Europe projects, 11.10.2021

Communication, dissemination and exploitation of results in Horizon Europe projects, 12.10.2021

Coordination of Horizon Europe projects, 13.10.2021

Intellectual property, contractual relations in Horizon Europe projects, 14.10.2021

ERC Grant Competitions 2022, 6.9.2021

German Aerospace Center Project Management Agency: call A sustainable future for Europe in Cluster 2 "Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Societies" , a matchmaking event, 30. 9. 2021

The Publications Office of the European Union: EU Open Data Days, 23. – 25. 11. 2021

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the Rector of Masaryk University announces a call in the IGA MU university-wide competition for individual student grants in research and development

On 1 September 2021, the Rector of Masaryk University announces a call in the IGA MU university-wide
competition for individual student grants in research and development, in the fields of science under the
Frascati Manual 2015:1
• natural sciences,
• medicine and health sciences,
• social sciences,
• humanities and artsStudent grant projects to be submitted to the competition shall last one year (investigation from 1
January 2022 to 31 December 2022). Applications may be submitted only for individual student
grants – i.e. the applicant must be the sole investigator.
• Funds allocated to 1 project: CZK 479,160.

9/10/2021: report of preliminary interest in this call (jitka.hotarkova@fss.muni.cz).
10/10/2021: deadline for submitting an application for assessment by the Research Ethics Committee (ECC), if the topic of the proposal so requires. The application is submitted by ISEP.
10/5/2021: budget consultation no later than October 5, 2021 (Ing. Denisa Prchalová, prchalova@fss.muni.cz).
10/6/2021: deadline for submitting the draft proposal for inspection to the Office for Research and Project Support (Jitka Hotárková, jitka.hotarkova@fss.muni.cz). Provision of feedback until 11.10.2021.
10/13/2021: Including submission of the project, closing the proposal in ISEP and sending it to electronic approval (Approval tab - select "Close proposal and approve electronically"). Proposals closed after 13 October will not be approved at HS level
10/18/2021: approval of the project proposal in ISEP
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Research support programme GAMU

Research support programme GAMU

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Horizon Europe

Summary of the deadlines for Horizon Europe calls for 2021

A leaflet summarizing the deadlines of Horizon Europe calls in 2021 was published on the information pages for the Horizon Europe Framework Program.

More information about open and upcoming calls can be found on the Funding & tender opportunities portal.

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Horizon Europe

E-learning courses for Horizon Europe

As part of the Bridge2HE project, the National Contact Officers for Horizon Europe (NCP) have prepared a series of online courses that will introduce you basic information about the European Union, Horizon Europe, project preparation, ethics in research and the role of NCP.

You can register for the courses on the NCP Portal for Horizon Europe here: https://courses.horizoneuropencpportal.eu/

You can watch them for free, at a time that suits you.

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Call for submission of Czech-Polish projects - LA GA CR projects

The Czech Science Foundation (GA CR) announces a call for projects based on the Lead Agency evaluation principle, with an implementation expected to begin in 2023 in cooperation with the Polish National Science Center (NCN) within the Weave initiative.

In this call, the Polish agency NCN acts as the Lead Agency, ie it evaluates project proposals and the GA CR takes over the results of the evaluation process.

It is possible to submit bilateral and trilateral projects (possible partner countries here).

9/24/2021: Plase, let us know if you are interested in this call.
12/15/2021: Deadline for Polish partner.
12/22/2021: Deadline for Czech partner (GRIS application).
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Masaryk University Internal Grant Agency (IGA MU) - online meeting and presentation

The on-line webinar to the 2nd round of the Masaryk University Internal Grant Agency (IGA MU) competition will take place on September 23, 2021 at 9:30 a.m.

Link here.

After the end of the online meeting, it will be possible to come to the 5.52 office for personal consultations throughout the day or then on other days on the basis of a personal agreement. Questions are welcome in advance, please send them to jitka.hotarkova@fss.muni.cz

Information on the call, including all documents and deadlines, can be found on the website of the Office for Research and Project Support.

9/23/2021: On-line webinar to the 2nd round of the Masaryk University Internal Grant Agency (IGA MU) competition. 9:30 a.m. Link here.
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We cordially invite all those interested in Open Science to Open Access Week at Masaryk University!

OPEN ACCESS WEEK 2021 25. -27. 10 2021 ONLINE

25. - 27. 10. 2021:
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TA CR webinar - progress and final reports. ETA call information.

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR) invites to a webinar (Zoom application) on implemented projects on the topic: "How to fill in and submit progress / final reports and acquaintance with the activities of regional workers", which will take place on December 8, 2021 from 13:00. To participate in the webinar, please fill out the registration form.

The 6th ETA call will not be announced on the planned date (November 2021), further information will be published on the TA CR website.

12/8/2021: TAČR webinar - progress and final reports.
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Institutional cooperation projects. The 4th call is open.

These projects are intended to strengthen institutional cooperation between Czech institutions and those from donor countries, at all levels of education. Special emphasis is placed on the themes of democracy, active citizenship and inclusive education.

2022-02-16: deadline
12/15/2021: declaration of interest
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Call for proposals for joint Czech-Bavarian research projects 2022-2024.

The aim of the call is to improve scientific cooperation between the Czech Republic and the Free State of Bavaria, to support cooperation between young researchers from the Czech Republic and Bavaria in particular, and to motivate scientists from both countries to submit bilateral and multilateral research proposals.

11/24/2021: Please, let us know if you are interested in this call (lorencova@fss.muni.cz).
1/31/2022: Deadline of the call.
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Crowdhelix Network - opportunities for an international cooperation

Crowdhelix is an Open Innovation platform that forges links between an international network of excellent researchers and innovating companies.

Masaryk University is a member of the Cowdhelix platform.

Crowdhelix users can profile themselves, their teams, and their organizations, and post opportunities to collaborate in international projects.

Create your account here.

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Horizon Europe

Webinar: Opportunities for social sciences and humanities in Horizon Europe

Czech Liaison Office for Education and Research together with the Technology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences cordially invites you to a webinar on opportunities for social sciences and humanities. The two-day event targeting the project managers aims to provide a comprehensive overview about the funding opportunities for the social sciences and humanities that are available across the Horizon Europe. Special focus will be also given to project proposal preparation, evaluation criteria and financial aspects of Horizon Europe projects. The second day of the webinar will be dedicated to good practice examples, where the participants will have the possibility to get a first-hand information form successful SSH projects funded under Horizon 2020.

Registration here.

Opportunities for Researchers from the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) in Horizon Europe

1/11/2022: Webinar Opportunities for social sciences and humanities in Horizon Europe (January 11-12, 2022).
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Call plan OP JAK

In October 2021, the Operational Programme Jan Amos Komenský (OP JAK) was approved by the Government of the Czech Republic. In the first quarter of 2022, the programme will be approved by the European Commission and then the first calls will be announced. Below is a summary of the relevant calls. We will keep updating information on OP JAK and its calls.

1.) Cutting-edge research - Support for research projects with the potential to produce excellent research results, Emphasis on quality team, international dimension, interdisciplinarity of research. Expected announcement of the call - 1st quarter 2022

2.) Smart Accelerator I - Support for projects to develop the innovation ecosystem in regions. Expected call announcement - 1st quarter 2022

3.) Ph.D. Infra - Support for infrastructural equipment of doctoral study programmes. Expected call announcement - 2nd quarter 2022


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The GA CR announces a call for projects based on the Lead Agency evaluation principle with an expected start date in 2023. The call concerns projects funded in cooperation with the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) under the Weave initiative.

FNR acts as Lead Agency, i.e. evaluates the project proposals and GA CR takes over the results of the evaluation process.

The deadline for submission of the Czech part of the application is 28 April 2022, i.e. 7 days after the official deadline on the Luxembourg side on 21 April 2022.

1/31/2022: Please, let us know if you are interested in this call (lorencova@fss.muni.cz).
4/28/2022: Deadline for the Czech part of an application.
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GA CR has announced a call for projects on the principle of "Lead Agency" evaluation with the expected start of projects in 2022, in cooperation with the Slovenian agency ARRS. In this call, the Slovenian Agency ARRS acts as the lead agency.

The deadline for submission of the Czech part of the application is 7 March 2022, i.e. 7 days after the official deadline on the Slovenian side on 28 February 2022.

Projects can be up to 3 years, the GA CR allows for a project duration of 24 or 36 months.


2/28/2022: Deadline of the call for Slovenian side (ARRS).
3/7/2022: Deadline of the call for the Czech side.
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The Office for research and project support begins its 5th year at the faculty

On behalf of the entire OpVaPP team, I cordially greet you all in the new year and wish us all good health and a lot of strength and energy until the year 2022.

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New SIGMA programme TA CR

The SIGMA programme is the type of programme that will allow a flexible response to the needs of society and the economy that may arise from unexpected situations. The programme will gradually implement activities from the current ZÉTA, ÉTA, GAMA, DELTA and EU instruments.

The duration of the programme is set for the period from 2022 to 2029, i.e. 8 years (extension foreseen). The first call for tenders is foreseen in 2022, with the start of support from 2023. One call for tenders per year is foreseen for each sub-objective (EU instruments 3 times/year).

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DIOSCURI programme call

MEYS and the Max Planck Society are launching a call within the DIOSCURI programme to support the establishment of DIOSCURI Research Centres (DC). These are centres of excellence for internationally competitive and innovative research in the humanities, social sciences, life sciences and technology. The centres are intended to connect the local research environment and the wider scientific community.

Up to 3 centres in the whole Czech republic will be supported under the first call. Deadline for applications until 10.3.2022

Start of operation of the centre - 2nd half of 2023

(Estimated) Duration of support - 5 years

Finances - EUR 300 000/year + mandatory institutional co-financing of EUR 25 000/year

Report your interest to the contact person by 26.1.2022.

Research institutions may submit more than one form, even within the same discipline, as long as they are willing and able to host more than one DC within that discipline. If different departments of the same institution are interested in hosting a DC, a separate registration form will need to be submitted for each of them. It is advisable to be as detailed and accurate as possible on the registration form.

There will be no limit to the number of applications/registrations from MU, and the submissions will be presented to the members of the Research Strategy Board in early March 2022.



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Call for submission of Swiss-Czech projects on the Lead agency principle

GA CR in cooperation with the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) is announcing a call for projects based on the Lead Agency evaluation principle, with the solution expected to begin in 2023.

In this call, the GA CR acts as a partner organization - projects are evaluated by the SNSF and the GA CR takes over the evaluation.

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AKTION ČR-Rakousko

Webinar for those interested in project cooperation
24. 02. 2022

ACTION Austria - Czech Republic
Are you interested in the AKTION Czech Republic - Austria program? Would you like to implement a joint Czech-Austrian project?
Sign up for the webinar, which will take place online on February 24, 2022 from 3 to 4 p.m.

You will learn how to apply and what conditions apply to the project proposal. You can also look forward to a short presentation by Associate Professor Dostál from CTU Prague, who will talk about his many years of experience with AKTION.
The deadline for submitting project proposals is 15 April 2022 (for projects implemented in the period from 1 July 2022 to 31 December 2022) and 15 September (for projects implemented in the period from 15 October 2022 to 31 December 2022).

The webinar is intended for academic staff of public universities and employees of foreign departments. Please fill in the registration form no later than two days before the webinar. We will send you a link to the webinar the day before the webinar.

22.2.2022: seminar registration deadline
24.2.2022: webinar online on February 24 from 15:00 to 16:00
21.2.2022: date of registration of interest by Jitka Wolfová
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GA CR Measures taken due to COVID-19 for 2022 and RMU seminar GA CR calls 2023

GA CR has also approved a number of measures this year that will help researchers to better manage the complications associated with the COVID-19 epidemic situation.

The measures are summarized in the attached file and also here (in Czech only, if you have questions or if you need information in English, please contact me: lorencova@fss.muni.cz).


RMU seminars on the newly announced GA CR 2023 competitions:
Friday, February 25, 2022, 9: 00-10: 30h in English, intended mainly for MU researchers, you can register here.

2/23/2022: Seminar RMU - GA CR calls 2023 - Wednesday, February 23, 2022, 9: 00-10: 30h in the Czech language, intended mainly for project support, you can register here.

2/25/2022: Seminar RMU - GA CR calls 2023 - Friday, February 25, 2022, 9: 00-10: 30h in English, intended mainly for MU researchers, you can register here.
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Czech Science Foundation (GA CR) - new call 2023

GA CR announced the new competition for submitting proposals for standard projects, EXPRO, JUNIOR STAR, PIF (Incoming, Outgoing), international and LA projects with a deadline on April 7, 2022.

It is possible to attend OV RMU seminar - 25th February 2022 in English, registration here.

Please, if you are interested to participate in this GA CR call with any proposal, let me know as soon as possible (lorencova@fss.muni.cz). Further information will be sent only to registered candidates.

Part I: Establishment of the project, assignment of the applicant
Part II: Completion of basic data, abstract and basic financial items
Part III: Personnel and investment costs, justification of financial items
Part IV: Bibliography, filling in data on achieved and expected results
Part V: Attaching attachments, user management, finalization and submission

3/10/2022: Deadline for a request for Ethic Commitee approval of a proposal.
3/23/2022: Deadline for personnel costs (Eva Dopplerova) and budget (Lenka Placha) consultation.
4/7/2022: Deadline of the call.
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Webinar GA CR 2023: data generated in the project and how to deal with them

The MU Open Science team, in cooperation with the RMU Research Department, will open an online virtual room for you on Thuesday 08/03/2022 (14-15) and on Thursday 17/03/2022 (14-15), where you as applicants/project support can find out about this topic and ask for recommendations on the elaboration of this part of the project proposal.

Support in data processing area, Data Management Plan and Open Access at FSS MU: Marika Hrubá, hruba@fss.muni.cz.

3/8/2022: First meeting Thuesday 08/03/2022, 14-15 h.
3/17/2022: Second meeting Thursday 17/03/2022, 14-15 h.
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Registration for the workshops of the Expert Group and the TC AS CR for applicants for ERC grants in calls from the 2023 work program (deadlines at the turn of 2022 and 2023) is opening. We would like to inform those interested that the institution requires confirmation from the institution, which will be obtained only by those candidates who apply to the ERC Support Scheme of Masaryk University no later than March 28, 2022. Login format changed!

GAMU ERC Support Scheme
Prior to application for inclusion in the GAMU ERC Support Scheme, potential ERC applicants are
advised to get in touch with the ERC contact person at the RMU Grant Office. The RMU contact
person is ready to provide an introductory meeting to each potential applicant, explaining the specifics
of the ERC, its evaluation system and basic characteristics of the ERC proposal.
At the same time, potential applicants are advised to contact the research / project support office at
their faculty or research centre. ERC applicants need support from their host department and may be
required to negotiate the conditions of implementation of their ERC grant prior to submission of an
1. GAMU ERC Support Scheme is not a project or a formal award, it is a sequence of steps
required to benefit from the full scope of mechanisms available to ERC applicant to improve
their proposals. Being included in the scheme is not a guarantee for signing a Host Institution
Letter by MUNI. For that, authorization by the host department / faculty / research centre is
required (processed through internal IT system ISEP). Timely contact with local support office
is necessary to receive such authorization. Faculties / research centres usually require budget
for authorization and help with its calculation. Sometimes, faculties / research centres provide
additional drafting support.
2. Applications to the GAMU ERC Support Scheme will be accepted continuously, but with
strict cut-off dates for each call specified according to timing of activities of the national Expert
Group. Usually, the cut-offs will take place some 9 months before the deadline of relevant call.
Application consists of:
a. Abstract (max. 2000 characters).
b. Short scientific bio and track record of scientific achievements (max. 2 pages).
c. The cut-off dates will be communicated via e-mail to research support officers at
faculties and research centers of MUNI and will be published at the MUNI Portal.
d. Applications are sent to grants@muni.cz.
3. After receiving the application to GAMU, RMU Grant Office will schedule approx. one hour
meeting of the applicant to ERC Support Scheme with 3 selected mentors, as relevant to the
scientific area and career stage of the applicant as possible.
a. The applicant will introduce her/his situation, idea and ambition in max. 10 minutes.
b. The mentors will probe the scientific idea presented in the abstract against ERC
evaluation criteria and expectations.
c. The mentors may make recommendations on how to strengthen the scientific CV and
track record of the applicant.
d. If there is an understanding between the mentors and the applicant, one or several of
the mentors will help guide the applicant all the way to submission of the ERC proposal
(upon informal agreement between the mentor and the applicant).
4. After the meeting, the RMU Grant Office will be ready to support the applicant’s registration to
the national Expert Group (support from a host institution is required at sign-up; however, such
support does not guarantee that the applicant will be invited to participate in the national
support scheme). If included in the national support scheme, the applicant will partially receive
guidance through workshops and mentoring independent of MUNI

28. 3. 2022: deadline for registration in the ERC Support Scheme of Masaryk University 
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Proof of Concept conference

I would like to invite you and your colleagues to the Proof of Concept konferenci,, which will take place on Tuesday, April 26, 2022 in the Hotel Passage in Brno. The event is organized by the MU Technology Transfer Center. Why register? MU researchers with the most important knowledge about PoC projects will perform You will get acquainted with PoC projects solved at MUNI You will gain experience from successful project managers You will compare more opinions within the panel discussion

More information and registration at https://www.ctt.muni.cz/poc Participation in the event is free. Please spread the invitation across your faculty / HS. If you have any questions, please contact your colleague Jana Joklová Kaňová: joklova@ctt.muni.cz.


April 26, 2022: Proof of Concept conference,
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Support for Ukrainian scientists and students - TA CR and GA CR


Expansion of research teams beyond 20% of the approved total capacity of the team by researchers and students from Ukraine is possible in 2022 without a request.

Transfers of (unlimited) grant funds allocated to beneficiaries, resp. to another participant due to the expansion of the research teams by researchers from Ukraine to the item of personnel costs are possible until the end of 2022 without a request.

Asks applicants in this year’s public calls to consider including Ukrainian students and scientists in the investigation teams of newly proposed projects.


We also encourage the beneficiaries to consider including Ukrainian colleagues in the research teams of new projects proposals in the calls for proposals to be announced this year.

We encourage researchers of the projects funded by TA CR to consider expanding their project teams by including scientists and students from Ukraine. It is sufficient to inform TA CR about this step in the annual project report.

Beneficiaries of the funding may submit a request for increasing the budget by the amount of the costs related to the involvement of Ukrainian colleagues or students in the research teams (since March 7, 2022).

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GA CR - a guide for early-stage researchers - possibilities of research support

As part of its support, GA CR has published a handbook with information on grant opportunities for early-stage researchers (also in English).

Proposals for some calls can be submitted before reaching the PhD degree, including the call for Standard Projects.

Other possibilities are POSTDOC INDIVIDUAL FELLOWSHIP (PIF) INCOMING for the return of Czech young researchers (up to 4 years from PhD) from abroad and foreign researchers who want to work for 3 years at Czech institutions.

PIF OUTGOING - for Czech young researchers who want to gain experience abroad (2-year internship).

JUNIOR STAR for excellent researchers up to 8 years after PhD who want to establish their own research team.

More information on current calls of GA CR 2023 here.

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TA CR Program TRANSPORT 2020+ preliminary parameters

The TA CR, together with the Ministry of Transport, informs about the preparation of the 4th public tender of the Program for the Support of Applied Research, Experimental Development and Innovation in the Field of Transport - TRANSPORT 2020+.

The announcement of this public tender is planned for April 6, 2022.

Preliminary parameters of the 4th public tender of the TRANSPORT 2020+ Program can be found HERE (in Czech only).

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Visegrad 4 Ukraine - call of Visegrad fund

The aim of the call for proposals for small grants is to help mitigate the effects of war on the refugees arriving from Ukraine/residing in V4 countries, to strengthen the capacities of local authorities, public institutions and civil society organizations who provide the necessary assistance in terms of health and social services in the short- and mid-term, and to ease potential tensions between the refugees and local populations resulting from a lack of information, language barriers and social and economic differences.

Dedaline May 1, 2022. More here.

5/1/2022: Dadline of the call (http://my.visegradfund.org).
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TA CR call schedule 2022

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic has announced a schedule of calls for 2022.

Unfortunately, no calls are yet planned in the new SIGMA program suitable for SSH.

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Moving Office for research and project support

Colleagues who used to sit on the 3rd floor returned to the 5th floor.

Mgr Eva Kicková can now be found in office 5.55 and

Bc. Ivana Mackerlová in the office 5.54.

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4th public tender PROGRAM TRANSPORT 2020+ TA CR

The focus of the tender covers research on the entire transport sector and all modes of transport, ie land, water and air, including all types of transport and transport infrastructure.

Outputs / results must have the potential for further application in practice.

6/1/2022: Deadline of the call.
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TA CR Environment for Life - preliminary parameters of the 6th public tender

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR ) together with the Ministry of the Environment informs about the preparation of the 6th public tender of the Program for the Support of Applied Research, Experimental Development and Innovation in the Environment - Environment for Life, which is tentatively announced on June 29, 2022.

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Ministerstvo vnitra

Announcement of the 1st call in the program of the Ministry of the Interior Open calls in security research 2023-2029 (OPSEC)

The subject of the public tender is the selection of proposals for applied research and experimental development projects.

The main goal of the OPSEC Program: to systematically stimulate and develop the interest of the research and innovation sphere in participating in solving security challenges for a modern society and thus form the basis for the development of competitive security innovations.

4/25/2022: Please, let me know if you are interested in the call (lorencova@fss.muni.cz).
6/8/2022: Deadline of the call.
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Call for proposals for joint Czech-German, Czech-French and Czech-Austrian research projects with a solution period of 2023–2024

The aim of the call is to help establish contacts and develop cooperation between institutions operating in the field of research and development in partner countries, by supporting the mobility of researchers working in solving international basic research projects.

6/30/2022: Deadline of the call.
4/25/2022: Plase, let us know if you are interested in this call (lorencova@fss.muni.cz).
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International Visegrad Fund calls

Visegrad Grants is a grant program run and financed by the International Visegrad Fund aimed at fostering cooperation between the V4 countries (Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia).
Proposals are accepted regularly three times per year always by February 1, June 1 and October 1.

6/1/2022: The nearest deadline of the calls.
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Online ERC Mentoring Initiative - Call for Applications

Together with the Polish Academy of Sciences (Polska Akademia Nauk, PAN) and generously supported by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science (Ministerstwo Edukacji i Nauki), the IWM has established a mentoring initiative for applicants for European Research Council (ERC) Starting and Consolidator Grants in the humanities and social sciences from Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. This mentoring initiative is addressed in particular to researchers in the areas of history, anthropology, political science, sociology, science and technology studies, as well as cultural and literary studies aiming to submit in 2022 – 2023.

Internationally established scholars, who have served as members of ERC evaluation panels, or who have held ERC grants themselves will act as mentors during a workshop. The next workshop will be held remotely on 8-9 July 2022. Participation is free; the workshop language is English.

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Open Science Workshop 2022 at FSS

The University Open Science team invites you on Wednesday 8.6. 2022 (10: 00–16: 00) to the Faculty of Social Studies (room P31), where the third year of the university-wide event to support and develop Open Science at the university called "Open Science Workshop 2022" will take place, which will take place in hybrid mode.

More information and registration here.

6/8/2022: Open Science Workshop 2022, 10 AM to 4 PM, FSS, room P31, in hybrid mode.
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Fondy EHP a Norska

EEA and Norway Grants - Call for Proposals under the Social Dialogue

The objectives of the Programme are strengthened social dialogue and cooperation between employer organisations, trade unions and public authorities, the promotion of decent work and facilitated access to employment, in close cooperation with Norwegian partners.

5/31/2022: Please, let us know if you are interested in this call (wolfova@fss.muni.cz).
9/15/2022: Deadlin of the call (1 p.m.).
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New TA CR SIGMA programme approved

On 18 May, the Government of the Czech Republic approved a new programme of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic called SIGMA, which will support applied research and innovation projects.

The announcement of the first public competitions is scheduled for the end of this year (2022) within the budget possibilities.

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TAČR has announced the 5th public competition in the Programme for Support of Applied Research, Experimental Development and Innovation THÉTA.

The main objective of the programme is to contribute to the fulfilment of the vision of transformation and modernisation of the energy sector in accordance with the approved strategic materials. This objective will be achieved through support for research, development and innovation projects in the energy sector that are aimed at improving the management of the energy sector by the public administration, new technologies and system elements with high potential for rapid application in practice as well as long-term technological perspectives.

Deadline for submission of proposals 27.7.2022.

6/13/2022: Please, let us know if you are interested in this call (lorencova@fss.muni.cz).
7/27/2022: Deadline of the call.
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INTER-EXCELLENCE II - INTER-ACTION - bilateral projects with the USA

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports announces the LUAUS23 public tender within the INTER-EXCELLENCE II program and the INTER-ACTION sub-program for bilateral projects in the Czech Republic and the United States of America.

It is possible to submit projects in all scientific fields without thematic restrictions.

6/20/2022: Please, let us know if you are interested in this call (lorencova@fss.muni.cz).
7/25/2022: Deadline of the call.
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COST Actions

List of newly approved COST Actions to which it is possible to join (without a financial contribution from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports), here.


CA21107 Work inequalities in later life redefined by digitalization

CA21120 History of Identity Documentation in European Nations: Citizenship, Nationality and Migration

CA21127 Techno-economic analysis of carbon mitigation technologies

CA21166 Social Sciences and Humanities for Transformation and Climate Resilience


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Announcement of the 6th call of the Environment for Life Programme

TA ČR has announced a call within the Environment for Life programme with a deadline of 14.9.2022.

Subprogramme 1 - Operational research in the public interest and Subprogramme 2 - Eco-innovation, technologies and practices for environmental protection

More information on the competition here.

7/10/2022: Let us know if you are interested in this call (lorencova@fss.muni.cz).
9/14/2022: Deadline of the call.
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REGON - October 2022: presentation of the TA CR SIGMA Program

A representative of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic will present calls prepared within the new TA CR SIGMA program (in Czech).


Brno, Komenského náměstí 2, room 300 (registration here)

Zoom Meeting Room (no need to register)

10/5/2022: Seminar - Program TA CR SIGMA, 9-11 a.m.
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ACTION CR-Austria - Support for cooperation between Czech and Austrian educational institutions of the tertiary sector

The aim of the call is to support cooperation projects of Czech and Austrian educational institutions of the tertiary sector.

Online webinar for those interested in project collaboration on September 14, 2022 from 3 to 4 p.m. Registration here.

9/14/2022: WEBINAR, 3-4 p.m., online. Registration here.
9/15/2022: Deadline of the call (for the implementation period 15. 10. – 31. 12. 2022).
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TA ČR Program for the Support of Applied Research and Innovation SIGMA - in preparation

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA ČR) is preparing the announcement of a public competition in the Program for the Support of Applied Research and Innovation SIGMA.

The public competition will be announced in sub-objective 3 (DC3), which aims to strengthen social sciences, humanities and arts (SHUV) in applied research and innovation activities and apply the outputs of these activities in the form of new or substantially improved products, procedures, processes or services . The sub-goal follows on from the activities of the ÉTA Program.

The announcement of the public tender is planned for October 26, 2022.

TA CR has prepared the preliminary parameters for the new call - see here.

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Grantová agentura MU

Announcement of GAMU competitions for 2023

The rector of Masaryk University announces the GAMU competitions for 2023:

MUNI Award in Science and Humanities (deadline 10/12/2022)
MUNI Award in Science and Humanities JUNIOR (deadline 10/12/2022)
INTERDISCIPLINARY (deadline 15/10/2022)
Career restart (deadline 15/10/2022)
MUNI Scientist (deadline 15/10/2022) - award to a scientist for top results in research, nominated by the vice dean for science and research
HORIZONS (applications can be submitted throughout the year)

The GAMU webinar will take place on September 20, 2022. Registration here (information also in English)

10/15/2022: Deadline INTERDISCIPLINARY, Career restart, MUNI Scientist
12/10/2022: Deadline: MUNI Award in Science and Humanities a MUNI Award in Science and Humanities JUNIOR.
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International LA projects - GA CR as a partner organization - current calls

On September 15, 2022, the GACR call for international LA projects in the field of basic research with Poland will be announced, where the GA CR acts as a partner agency and the Polish agency NCN in the position of evaluating Lead agency.

Deadline for submission of proposals: 15/12/2022 (Polish side) and 22/12/2022 (Czech side)

Other international LA projects - GA CR in the position of a partner agency - can currently be submitted with:

National Science Foundation (USA) - Continuous Challenge
Austria - Austrian Science Fund (FWF) - continuous call
Germany - German Research Foundation (DFG) - continuous challenge
Switzerland - Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) - currently the deadline is 1/10/2022

12/22/2022: Deadline for the submission of the Czech part of the proposal with the Polish agency (NCN).
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Change of contact person for Open Science support at FSS

From September 1, 2022, local Open Science support is newly provided by Mgr. Aneta Pilátová from the FSS Central Library, e-mail: openscience@fss.muni.cz.

Mgr. Marika Hruba, who has provided support so far, can be contacted as the Open Science coordinator for MU at the Institute of Computer Technology, Cybersecurity and Data Management Division, e-mail: hruba@ics.muni.cz.

The FSS Library offers Open Science support to researchers in the following areas:

  • Advice on the selection of a journal with regard to Open Access fulfillment options (Green OA - unpaid, Gold OA - paid, more info here), communication with the publisher, prevention of predatory journals and conferences.
  • Ensuring compliance with the OA Green condition by saving and setting the appropriate parameters of the file in the MU Repository (Creative Commons license, time embargo setting for publication).
  • Advice on choosing a suitable repository for storing research data, taking into account its nature (field, type and size of data).
  • Support for Data Management Plan (DMP). Its implementation is always the domain of the scientist, due to the domain knowledge. We will provide scientists with tips for DMP management tools, sample DMP plans, or we provide technical support.
  • One-on-one Open Science consultations for scientists.

More info on the library website: https://library.fss.muni.cz/study-research-support/open-science and on the university-wide Open Science support website: https://openscience.muni.cz/en.

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Ministerstvo vnitra

Strategic support for the development of security research in the Czech Republic - announcement of a call within the IMPAKT I program

The Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic announces a public competition in the research, experimental development and innovation program Strategic support for the development of security research in the Czech Republic 2019-2025 (IMPAKT 1) in Subprogramme 3 "Development of initiatives in security research".

The goal of the Program is to achieve a knowledge, technological and technical level that will enable the Czech Republic to acquire, adopt, maintain and develop the specific capabilities needed to ensure the security of the state and its citizens.

Sub-programme 3 aims to support the development of an internationalization initiative in the security research community, which is further divided into three sub-goals:

1. ensure support for the international project initiative of established workplaces,

2. ensure support for strengthening institutional contacts with leading workplaces abroad,

3. to ensure an adequate and effective information background, supporting internationalization efforts and the internal organization of the community.


11/9/2022: Deadline of the call (via ISTA application, https://ista.tacr.cz).
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TA ČR - webinář pro příjemce k realizovaným projektům: Žádosti o změnu

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic is organizing a webinar on implemented projects, which will take place on October 12, 2022 from 1:00 p.m.

Webinar on the topic: "Change Requests".

To participate in the webinar, please fill out the registration form HERE. The day before the start of the webinar, you will receive an email with a link to join the webinar.

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TA CR Schedule of public competitions and calls 2023

TA CR published the Schedule of public competitions and calls for the year 2023.

Selection of interesting calls:

February 2023 announcement of a call in the SIGMA program for beginning researchers (continues the ZETA program)

April 2023 TRANSPORT 2030+

May 2023 SIGMA - international cooperation

June 2023 Environment for life

September 2023 THETA 2

November 2023 SIGMA - pre-application research

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TA CR has published the focus/topics of the new call within the SIGMA program, Sub-goal 3 – Support of the innovative potential of social sciences, humanities and arts – SHUV.

The call should be announced on 26 October 2022. According to the call schedule for 2023, the next DC3 SHUV call in 2023 is not yet planned.

Preliminary parameters of the 2022 call here.

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Presentation from the seminar on the program SIGMA TA CR

On October 5, 2022, a seminar was held at MU with TA CR representatives (Ladislav Mlčák, Iveta Zápařková), who presented in particular the new SIGMA TA CR program.

Presentation available here.

The first call in the area of SHUV (it will follow on from the ETA program) will be announced on October 26, 2022, with the deadline for submitting proposals on December 14, 2022.

Preliminary parameters of the call.

Information on the focus of the upcoming call.

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Open Access Week 2022

Invitation to Open Access Week 2022 - online, no registration required.

Event time: 24 and 25 October 2022


CELSPAC Living Lab - Open Infrastructure in Practice

Open Access's diamond path: practice at Masaryk University

Technology Transfer and Open Science: Rivals or Friends?

Connect using the links here.

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GA CR is looking for new members of evaluation panels

What are the minimum requirements?

Academic qualification at Ph.D level. or higher
Active scientific activity in the field of basic research
A significant contribution to the development of knowledge
Experience in solving basic research projects in the position of researcher or co-researcher,
The ability to assess scientific problems in the wider context of the development of a scientific field on an international scale

More information and online application form here.

Application submission deadline: December 15, 2022

12/15/2022: Application submission deadline
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First call TA CR SIGMA program - DC3 SHUV

On October 26, 2022, the TA CR announced the first public competition in the Program for the support of applied research and innovation SIGMA – Sub-goal 3 – Support of the innovation potential of social sciences, humanities and arts.


More on the focus of the call here (in Czech).

Each project proposal must fulfill exactly one main theme and one sub-theme from the chosen main theme.

11/2/2022: Let us know if you are interested in this call (lorencova@fss.muni.cz). We will inform you about news in this call.
12/14/2022: Deadline of the call.
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TA ČR webinar: How to fill out and submit PZ/ZZ

TA CR is organizing a webinar on implemented projects on the topic: How to fill out and submit PZ/ZZ, which will take place on November 23, 2022 from 1:00 p.m.

Please register for the webinar using this form.

The Zoom application will be used for the realization of the webinar.

11/23/2022: Webinar How to fill out and submit PZ/ZZ
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ComMUNIty fund

Masaryk University announces an internal competition to support the implementation of sustainable and socially responsible projects that fulfill and promote the social role of Masaryk University, are internally and externally transferable, and support cooperation between students and employees.


Call allocation:                            2 MILLION CZK

Collection of applications:           from 14.11.2022 via ISEP

Announcement of results:           by 20.2.2023

Detailed information on the call can be found here


11/30/2022: Deadline for the declaration of interest
11/14/2022: Start of collection of applications
12/31/2022: End of collection of applications
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Horizon Europe

New calls - Horizon Europe Cluster 2 Culture, creativity and inclusive society

New call in cluster 2 Culture, creativity and inclusive society will be announced on 14 December 2022 with deadline 14 March 2023.

Draft of the work programme here.

Partner search: Funding & tender opportunities portal
CORDIS Research results (funded projects):
Horizon Europe Cluster 2 InfoDay & Brokerage Event


3/14/2023: Deadline of calls in cluster 2, Horizon Europe.
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The EUKI launches its 7th call for ideas to realise ambitious climate policies in Europe. The application phase for project ideas to accelerate climate action in Europe opened on 25 November. Non-profit organisations from civil society, academia, the private sector, education and municipalities will have until 13 January 2023 to submit their proposals.

More information about the call here.

1/13/2023: Deadline of the call - 1st stage.
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TA ČR SIGMA: preliminary parameters of the 2nd public competition - Sub-goal 2: Beginning researchers

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic informs about the preparation of the 2nd public tender in the Program for the support of applied research and innovation SIGMA – Sub-goal 2 – Beginning researchers and equalization of opportunities in applied research projects.

This public tender will be announced on February 8, 2023.

2/8/2023: Annoucement of the call
4/5/2023: Deadline of the call
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Evaluation reports on GA ČR standard proposals are available in GRIS

Evaluation reports on GA ČR standard proposals are available in the GRIS application from 12/9/2022 in the Project Evaluation Results tab.

A final decision has not yet been made on the financing of projects for which the reports are not shown. Notifications about the support/non-support of the proposals will come via the data box in the next few days.

In the event that someone would like to file a complaint about the process of evaluating the project proposal, the deadline is set within 15 calendar days from the publication of the results of the public competition, including individual project assessments, according to the tender documents.

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ERASMUS+ calls for 2023

Partnerships for Cooperation (KA2)

Cooperation Partnerships: The primary goal of Cooperation Partnerships is to allow organisations to increase the quality and relevance of their activities, to develop and reinforce their networks of partners, to increase their capacity to operate jointly at transnational level, boosting internationalisation of their activities, and through exchanging or developing new practices and methods as well as sharing and confronting ideas.

Small-scale Partnerships: this action aims at widening access to the programme to small-scale actors and individuals who are hard to reach in the fields of school education, adult education, vocational education and training, youth and sport. With lower grant amounts awarded to organisations, shorter duration and simpler administrative requirements compared to the Cooperation Partnerships, this action aims at reaching out to grassroots organisations and newcomers to the Programme and less experienced organisations, reducing entry barriers to the programme for organisations with smaller organisational capacity.

Calls for 2023 - the annoucement:

22. 3. and 4. 10. 2023

3/22/2023: Deadline of the calls
10/4/2023: Deadline of the calls 
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The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic is organizing a webinar on implemented projects, which will take place on Wednesday, January 11, 2023, from 1:00 p.m. Webinar on the topic: "How to fill out and submit interim/final report".

For the realization of the webinar, the Zoom application will be used, which allows you to ask questions online during the webinar.

To participate in the webinar, please fill out the form HERE.

1/11/2023: Webinar How to fill out interim/final report, TA CR projects
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Support is intended to establish contacts and develop cooperation between institutions active in the field of research, development and innovation in partner states, in the form of supporting the mobility of researchers working together to solve an international research project on a multilateral layout (min. 3 participants; always one partner from each country).

Along with the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Montenegro, France, Slovakia, Serbia, Austria are participating in the challenge.

Call deadline 16 January 2023.

More, including the proposal preparation form here.

1/16/2023: Deadline of the call.
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Call for submission of projects on the principle of Lead Agency evaluation with the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR)

GA CR announces a call for submission of projects based on the principle of Lead Agency evaluation, with the expected start of the solution in 2024.

The call concerns projects financed in cooperation with the Luxembourg agency National Research Fund (FNR), which is the evaluation agency, and the GA CR takes over the evaluation of the proposals.

4/27/2023: Deadline for the Czech proposal (prepared in GRIS).
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PF 2023

New Year's greetings from the Office for Research and Project Support

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Webinars in January 2023

Webinars held in January 2023:

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Horizon Europe

Become a supervisor and expand your research team in the MSCA-PF2023 call

As part of the project department's activities, we offer support in finding suitable candidates for the Marie Sklodowska - Curie Actions - Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA-PF). The MSCA-PF is a prestigious two-year international EU postdoctoral grant, which aims to support the comprehensive career development of young postdocs.

At the core of the proposal is a strong scientific idea and research plan, but also a plan to develop hard and transferable skills.

1/27/2023: Deadline for the declaration of interest
2/8/2023: Workshop for supervisors
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MSCA-PF seminar for future supervisors of MSCA-PF Fellows

We will briefly introduce the key features of MSCA-PF, and why it is beneficial to have an MSCA-PF fellow in your team.

Next, we will focus on specific aspects of the project proposal in direct relation with the project proposal template.

2/8/2023: Workshop date
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GA CR announced the LA call with Slovenia, with a deadline on the foreign side of 28/02/2023 (deadline on the Czech side of 7/03/2023).

ATTENTION - proposals submitted to this call will be counted towards the maximum number of project proposals submitted to calls with the expected start of the solution in 2023! This means that it counts towards the limit of projects submitted in the previous year. Therefore, if a researcher has "exhausted" the possibilities of submission (1 project proposal as a proposer and 1 project proposal as a co-proposer in April 2022), he/she can no longer participate in this call.

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GA CR plans to announce calls for proposals in mid-February 2023

As every year, GA CR will announce the Standard Projects competition this year, intended for all researchers in the field of basic research. In addition, there will be international calls to which joint projects will be submitted by researchers from at least two countries, and JUNIOR STAR and POSTDOC INDIVIDUAL FELLOWSHIP competitions for young scientists.

The EXPRO competition will have a one-year break, which will be announced again in 2024.

More info.

New calls for proposals will be issued around the middle of February 2023, the deadline for submission of proposals is usually the first week of April.

We will inform about the announcement of calls by e-mail and on our website, and all applicants will get detailed instructions for preparing a proposal.

If you are thinking about preparing a proposal for this year's GA CR calls, you can send me a message now (lorencova@fss.muni.cz) and look at the tender documents from last year's competition, which will probably be very similar this year.

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Seminar - How to request a project assessment by the Research Ethics Committee?

MU organizes an internal seminar (hybrid event) for researchers How to request a project assessment by the Research Ethics Committee?

February 27, 2023, 10:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m

Brno, Komenského náměstí 2, room 300 (please fill in the registration form)
Zoom Meeting Room (no registration required)

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GA CR - presentation of calls 2024

Seminar with the participation of the chairman of GA CR prof. BaldrianGA CR 2024 calls will be introduced.

March 1, 2023, 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
MU, Komenského náměstí 2, room 300 or online

Registration for both forms of participation here.

3/1/2023: Seminar GA CR. From 9:30 h. Registration here.
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GA CR - information about new calls 2024 and about seminars

This year's GA CR calls should be announced on February 13, 2023. Together with the new competitions, the LA call will also be announced in cooperation with Croatia (Croatian Science Foundation).

The MU internal seminar on GA CR calls for researchers in English will be held on February 27, 2023 (9:00-10:30 a.m.), followed by the seminar "How to Request a Project Assessment by the Research Ethics Committee?" in Czech.

2/27/2023: Seminar about new GA CR calls in English (9 a.m.) and seminar about Ethic research commitee at MU (10:45 a.m.). 
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TA CR 2nd public competition of the SIGMA Program Sub-goal 2: Beginning researchers

The call aims to increase the involvement of beginning researchers in all areas of applied research when solving specific projects directly with subjects from applied practice.  Another goal is to promote the equalization of opportunities for women and men in applied research competition.

4/5/2023: Deadline of the call.
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Faculty overhead costs - FSS MU - for 2023

According to Article 3 point 2 of MU Instruction No. 3/2017 Rules for determining the share of administrative overhead and the system of applying overhead costs to projects, the coefficient of common operating costs at FSS MU was determined for the period from February 6, 2023 to February 6, 2024 ("overhead costs for faculty") in the amount of 16.41%.
The coefficient will be used in the calculations of new projects (i.e. newly submitted subsidy projects and commercial activities) and to account for existing projects according to Article 5 of MU Instruction No. 3/2017.

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Workshop for MSCA PF applicants

On 6th March from 9 am-16pm, there will be a workshop for MSCA PF applicants. This will be an intensive training session on writing this project. This workshop is an important prerequisite for writing a good project draft, which will be a condition for participation in the follow-up workshop in June.

It is a hybrid event. You can attend physically (Kounicův sál, Rector's Office building, Žerotínovo náměstí 9) or virtually (via ZOOM). 


Workshop date

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Webinar for applicants - SIGMA Program - Sub-goal 2: Beginning researchers

TA ČR invites to a webinar for applicants to the announced 2nd public competition of the SIGMA Program - Sub-goal 2: Beginning researchers and equalization of opportunities in applied research projects (hereinafter referred to as "SIGMA - DC2").

Tuesday 21/02/2023 from 10:00, online

2/21/2023: Webinar SIGMA DC2, 10 a.m., online.
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GA ČR (Czech Science Foundation) - a call with the Swiss SNSF in the role of Lead agency

GA CR announced the LA call with the Swiss agency SNSF, which will be in the role of Lead agency.

In 2023, there will be two deadlines for submitting projects, namely 3/4 and 2/10/2023. For the 3/4/2023 deadline, the expected start date of the project is 1/1/2024, for DL 2/10/2023 the expected start date is 7/1/2024.

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New GA CR (Czech Science Foundation) calls 2024

GA CR (Czech Science Foundation) is announcing calls for proposals for tenders in the area of Standard Projects, JUNIOR STAR, POSTDOC INDIVIDUAL FELLOWSHIP, and International and Lead Agency projects. The submission deadline is 4 April. The results of the competition will be announced on 30 November 2023 (Junior Star 3 November 2023).

It is possible to submit a proposal for the following types of projects:

  • Standard projects (for 3 years)
  • Junior Star (for excellent scientists up to 8 years after obtaining the Ph.D. title, 5 years/up to 25 million CZK)
  • POSTDOC INDIVIDUAL FELLOWSHIP INCOMING and OUTGOING (focused on researchers who have completed their doctoral studies in the last four years)
  • International projects (Taiwan, South Korea, Brazil, Austria, Germany, Slovenia, Switzerland, Luxembourg, USA)


MU internal seminar on the new 2024 competitions for researchers in English and the seminar "How to Request a Project Assessment by the Research Ethics Committee?" in Czech will take place on February 27, 2023.

GA CR organizes a seminar with GA CR chairman prof. Baldrian – Brno, March 1, 2023, 9:30-11:30 a.m., room 300, 3rd floor, Komenského náměstí 220/2, Brno. Registration.

If you are considering submitting a proposal to one of the GA CR 2024 calls, please let me (lorencova@fss.muni.cz) know by February 20, 2023. 


4/4/2023: Deadline of the call.
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Support for Teaching Innovations in Key Courses of Masaryk University Study Programmes

Calls for projects: Support for Teaching Innovations in Key Courses of Masaryk University Study Programmes

Project may focus on any of the following teaching methods leading to interactivity in teaching and/or the introduction of distance forms of teaching, or a combination thereof: 1) simulation-based teaching; 2) project-based teaching; 3) research-oriented teaching.

Eligible applicants and project managers-in-chief are the guarantors of the study programmes in which the innovation will be applied.

The text of the call for project proposals is available HERE

The online seminar for submitting project proposals (in Czech only) will take place on March 7, 2023 from 14:00 (LINK).

4/15/2023: Deadline of the call.
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DOPRAVA 2030 program: Announcement of preliminary parameters of the 1st public tender

The outputs/results of the project proposals submitted to this public competition must have the potential for further application in new approaches, technological procedures and services leading to the strengthening of social and economic benefits in the transport sector. The focus of the public competition covers the research of the entire transport system and all types of transport, i.e. land, water and air, including all types of means of transport and transport infrastructure.

The announcement of the call is planned for 26 April 2023

4/26/2023: The annoucement of the call.
6/28/2023: Deadline of the call.
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Environment for life program: Announcement of preliminary parameters of the 7th public competition, PP1 and PP2

The Environment for Life program is mainly focused on new solutions in the area of the environment, stabilization and expansion of the knowledge base, which will significantly contribute to ensuring a healthy and high-quality environment in the Czech Republic and to the sustainable use of its resources, by minimizing the negative impacts of human activity on the environment, including impacts beyond national borders and will thus contribute to improving the quality of life in Europe and in a global context.

The announcement of this call is planned for 6/28/2023, in the sub-programmes:

Subprogramme 1 Operational research in the public interest (PP1)

Subprogramme 2 Ecoinnovation, technologies and procedures for environmental protection (PP2)

6/28/2023: Annoucement oéf the call.
9/13/2023: Deadline of the call.
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Czech-Austria bilateral research, development and innovation projects in mobility activity 2024-2025

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports announces a call for applications to support bilateral projects of research, development and innovation Czech Republic - Austria in the activity Supporting the mobility of male and female researchers within the framework of international cooperation in R&D&I, implementation period 2024-2025.

5/16/2023: Deadline of the call.
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Bilateral projects of research, development and innovation: Czech Republic - Germany - Mobility

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports announces a call for the implementation of bilateral research, development and innovation projects Czech Republic - Germany within the framework of the activity Supporting the mobility of male and female researchers within the framework of international cooperation.

The main goal of the Mobility activity is to support the formation of international bilateral research teams dealing with research, development and innovation topics with a high potential for application in international research programs, thereby strengthening the research capacities of both partner countries.

6/12/2023: Deadline of the call.
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Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe - new call in cluster 2 Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society - 2024

Within the framework of cluster 2 – Culture, creativity and inclusive society, further calls for 2024 will be announced on October 4, 2023 according to the Work Program 2023-2024 with a deadline of February 7, 2024.

According to the WP, it is expected to support mostly 3 projects within each topic with a budget of 2-3 million EURO per project. Unless the conditions of the call stipulate otherwise, the project consortium must consist of at least 3 organizations from 3 different countries (EU member states or associated countries).

Details on open and planned calls can also be found on the Funding & tender opportunities portal, where it is also possible to search for suitable partners for the consortium.

Thanks to MU membership, everybody can set up their own profile on the Crowdhelix Network platform and offer their expertise for a specific call within Horizon Europe and other international calls/competitions, search for opportunities, respond to calls for cooperation (involvement in the preparation of proposals, etc.) and participate in matchmaking events for specific calls.

10/4/2023: Announcement of the calls in cluster 2 for 2024
2/7/2024: Deadlines of the calls in clustr 2
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Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe - new calls for 2024

See the calls within the other Horizon Europe clusters for 2024 (the calls of cluster 2 Culture, creativity and inclusive society are presented in a separate information).

Details of the calls are described in the individual work programs of the clusters (links below) and on the Funding & tender opportunities portal.

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TRANSPORT 2030 program: Announcement of the 1st public tender

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic announced, in cooperation with the Ministry of Transport, on April 26, 2023, the first public competition in the DOPRAVA/TRANSPORT 2030 program for the support of applied research and innovation in the field of transport.

The main goal of the program is to develop the transport sector in a way that will reflect social needs, accelerate the technological and knowledge development of the Czech Republic and thus help the growth of the Czech Republic's competitiveness.

6/28/2023: Deadline of the call.
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International Visegrad Fund calls

Visegrad Grants is a grant program run and financed by the International Visegrad Fund aimed at fostering cooperation between the V4 countries (Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia) and countries from the EaP region or the Western Balkans countries.

Proposals are accepted regularly three times per year always by February 1, June 1 and October 1.

6/1/2023: The nearest deadline of the calls.
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Ministerstvo zdravotnictví

Call in the Program for the support of applied medical research for the years 2024 – 2030

The Ministry of Health announces a competition to support applied research projects aimed at solving problems related to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of human diseases.

The programme has three main areas, Public Health, Pathogenesis and Development of Diseases and Innovative Solutions for Medicine, which are further divided into 26 sub-areas and 95 sub-objectives. Proposals must be assigned to one or more of the sub-objectives and ensure the implementation of one or more of the sub-areas (see more on pages 10-14 of the tender document).

6/29/2023: Deadline of the call.
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Announcement of the call in the INTER-EXCELLENCE II programme, sub-programme INTER-ACTION - LUAUS24 (bilateral projects Czech Republic-USA)

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic announces LUAUS24 - Bilateral Projects Czech Republic - United States of America competition.

6/30/2023: Deadline of the call.
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5th call - DELTA 2 Programme - support of joint applied research of Czech and foreign institutions

The call is aimed at supporting international cooperation in the field of applied research through joint projects of Czech entities supported by TA CR and foreign partners with the expected support of foreign institutions.

Only a company/enterprise can be the main applicant, a research organisation can be an additional participant on the Czech side. The additional participant may also be an entity from EU, EEA and Switzerland.

Project proposals may be submitted with organisations from the following countries: Republic of Korea; Saxony, Germany; United States of America Department of Energy of the United States of America; Israel Israel Innovation Authority IIA; Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs MoEA and National Science and Technology Council

Thematic limitations of the call by foreign partner here.

7/19/2023: Deadline of the call.
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Open Science Workshop 2023 at FSS MU

On June 14, 2023, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., the third university-wide Open Science Workshop will be held. It will take place at the Faculty of Social Studies of the MU, Joštova 10, Brno, and at the same time on MS Teams. More info, program and possibility of registration here.

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TA CR Program THETA 2: Announcement of preliminary parameters of the 1st public competition

The public competition of the THETA 2 program is aimed at fulfilling the vision of transformation and modernization of the energy sector.

This goal will be achieved through the support of research, development and innovation projects in the field of energy, which are aimed at improving the management of the energy sector by the public administration, new technologies and system elements with a high potential for rapid application in practice, as well as long-term technological perspectives.

The announcement of this public tender is planned for September 6, 2023.

9/6/2023: The expected call announcement.
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TA CR - preliminary schedule of public competitions and calls (2023-2025)

The preliminary schedule of calls for the years 2023-2025 is published on the TA CR website:


  • July -  Environment for Life 7. VS
  • November - SIGMA DC1 - Proof of concept (support for verification of applied research results from the point of view of their practical application and preparation of their subsequent commercial use or use for company needs)
  • December - SIGMA DC5 - long-term research plans (long-term projects that, by their focus, set up and develop systemic solutions to current and future R&D issues in various fields (e.g. also in the field of social sciences). Those types of projects and results are not expected to be qickly implemented on the market, thanks to characteristically long development cycles)
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7th public competitions of the Environment for Life program

TA CR announced in cooperation with the Ministry of the Environment on July 12, 2023 the seventh public competition to support applied research, experimental development and innovation in the field of the environment - Environment for Life.

The general goal of the Environment for Life program is to bring new solutions in the field of the environment, to stabilize and expand the knowledge base, which will significantly contribute to ensuring a healthy and high-quality environment in the Czech Republic and to the sustainable use of its resources and minimizes the negative impacts of human activity on the environment.

The public competition is announced in subprogramme 1 and subprogramme 2 - the Environment for Life program.

9/13/2023: Deadlne of the call.
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Horizon Europa

ERC Work Programme 2024

On 10th July 2023, the European Commission accepted the ERC Work Programme for 2024. The programme includes new elements in the assessment of research proposals and CVs of applicants, as well as in the evaluation process. It also introduces lump sum funding under Advanced Grants and changes the evaluation panel structure.

10/24/2023: Deadline for the Starting grant submission
12/12/2023: Deadline for the Consolidator grant submission
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Scientific Workshop at the University of Nanterre

The University of Nanterre is organising a three-day workshop for scientists in the framework of the EDUC Alliance. The general objective of the activity is to establish further scientific collaborations between members of the EDUC University Alliance through joint workshops on different topics. The workshop focuses on migration and migrants' access to justice.

9/8/2023: Deadline for the application 
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Grantová agentura MU

Calls of the MU Grant Agency 2024

We would like to inform you about the GAMU calls, which are/will be announced for implementation in 2024.
Competitions announced in September 2023:
  • MASH (DL 8. 12. 2023)

The goal is to bring excellent and successful external scientists to MU and offer them such conditions that they have the motivation to stay (full-time, 5 million/year for 5 years, background). Application via ISEP.

The aim is to create conditions for the integration of female and male researchers after career breaks, for example due to parental leave, into research teams at MU (CZK 500,000/year for two years, completed PhD, min. 0.5 FTE). Application via ISEP.

Awarding scientists for their top results and significant achievements in the field of research at MU. Nominations are made by: Vice-Deans for Science and Research, Director of CTT, Vice-Rector for Research and Doctoral Studies, Head of Research Department RMU.

The support is intended for the costs associated with the preparation of extremely prestigious and important projects of international providers (e.g. HORIZONT). Support can be obtained by an MU employee who is the main applicant as well as a co-applicant especially for foreign trips, rental of a meeting room, consulting and editorial services. Support of 200-400 thousand CZK. Application via ISEP.

Competitions announced in November 2023:

  • MASH Junior Star ("Seal of excellence" GA CR Junior Star) - replacement for MASH Junior
  • Support for excellent theses

The Interdisciplinary Research Projects competition will not be open this year. The MASH Junior competition will be opened in a modified form - GA CR Junior Star applicants who were excellently evaluated but did not reach funding will be supported.

The parameters of this and other GAMU calls will be specified.

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The intention of the call is to select joint research projects of applied research, focusing on the following areas/sub-areas:

1. Health and medicine – drug design and development; 2. Environmental sustainability and protection – climate change, clean energy, desert research, water; 3. Data science – application of artificial intelligence.

11/15/2023: Deadline of the call.
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Possibilities of research cooperation with Switzerland

We present the possibilities of research cooperation and research stays in Switzerland, which colleagues (Jitka Wolfova, Jitka Hotarkova) from Office for Research and Project Support obtained during their internship at the University of Fribourg.

If you are interested in any form of cooperation with Switzerland, please contact us. We will help you with the preparation of the proposal, finding out other options and information, or connecting to specific workplaces and people at the University of Fribourg.

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THETA 2 TA CR program: Announcement of the 1st public competition

On September 13, 2023, TA CR announced the first public competition in the THÉTA 2 Program for the Support of Applied Research and Innovation.

The public competition of the THETA 2 program is aimed at fulfilling the vision of transformation and modernization of the energy sector in accordance with the approved strategic materials. This goal will be achieved through the support of research, development and innovation projects in the field of energy, which are aimed at improving the management of the energy sector by the public administration, new technologies and system elements with a high potential for rapid application in practice, as well as long-term technological perspectives.

10/27/2023: Deadline of the call
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The intention of the call is to select joint research projects of applied research, focusing on the following areas/sub-areas:

1. Computer and information sciences; 2. Engineering and technology in specialization: Materials research, Nanotechnology; 3. Social sciences; 4. Humanities and arts.

The duration of supported projects is set at 2.5 years.

11/30/2023: Deadline of the call
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Call for submission of joint proposals - the Czech Republic / Poland within the LA grants GA CR

The Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (GA CR) announces a call for submission of projects based on the Lead Agency evaluation principle with the expected start of implementation in 2025. The call concerns projects financed in cooperation with the Polish agency National Science Center (NCN) within the framework of the Weave initiative.

In this call, the Polish agency NCN acts as the Lead Agency, i.e. it evaluates the project proposals from a scientific point of view, and the GA CR takes over the results of the evaluation process.

12/15/2023: Deadline for proposal submission on Polish site.
12/22/2023: Deadline for the Czech part of the proposal (GRIS application).
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SIGMA TA CR program: Announcement of preliminary parameters of the 5th public competition - Long-term research plans

The TA CR is preparing the announcement of the 5th call of the SIGMA programme Long-term research plans and Solutions to current R&D needs on 6 December 2023.

The public competition of the SIGMA Program is focused on long-term research plans and solutions to the current needs of R&D and society, which cannot be solved within the framework of short-term projects and at the same time require an interdisciplinary approach. For the given public competition, 4 topics were determined, the project proposal must fully fulfill the selected topic.

One project will be supported in each topic.

12/6/2023: Preliminary date of the call announcement.
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Grants Week at Masaryk Univerzity - international research funding.

On 8 November, 15 November and 22 November, Grants Week is held at Masaryk University (online or Komenského square 2, Roger Scruton Hall) on the topic of international research support (ERC, MSCA-PF, TWINNING, ethics in the Horizon Europe projects).

Program and registration here.

11/8/2023: Individual grants in HORIZON EUROPE: ERC and MSCA-PF. Registration.
11/15/2023: Widening Participation in HORIZON EUROPE. Registration.
11/22/2023: Ethics in Research Projects. Registration.
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Webinar - CC licenses

The Open Science team at MU is organizing a webinar on the issue of CC licenses.

Lecturer: JUDr. Bc. Lucie Smolka, Ph.D.

The webinar will take place via MS Teams, you will receive a link to connect to your e-mail before the event.

Registration here.

11/6/2023: Webinar, 10:00-11:30 a.m., MS Teams
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Call for submission of projects on the principle of Lead Agency with a Slovenian agency (ARIS)

GA CR announced the LA call in cooperation with the Slovenian agency ARIS, which acts as the "Lead" agency in this call.

Project proposals submitted to this call are included in the maximum number of proposals already submitted this year, i.e. they will count towards the maximum number of project proposals submitted to the calls with the expected start of the solution in 2024!

1/12/2024: Deadline for submitting a proposal on the Slovenian side (to ARIS).
1/19/2024: Deadline for submitting a proposal on the Czech side (GA CR).
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Mezinárodní visegrádský fond

Visegrad fund - calls

Visegrad Grants is a grant program run and financed by the International Visegrad Fund aimed at fostering cooperation between the V4 countries (Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia) and countries from the EaP region or the Western Balkans countries.

Proposals are accepted regularly three times per year always by February 1, June 1 and October 1.

2/1/2024: The nearest deadline for the call.
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TA ČR SIGMA - preliminary parameters of the call Beginner researchers, DC 2

TA ČR is preparing the announcement of the 7th public competition in the Program for the support of applied research and innovation SIGMA - sub-goal 2, Beginning researchers and equalization of opportunities in applied research projects.

The announcement of the competition is planned for 7/2/2024, DL 27/3/2024.

2/7/2024: Planned announcement of the call.
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ERC Workshop

The SYRI project is organising a workshop entitled How to Write a Successful ERC Proposal.

The workshop will take place on 26th January 2024, from 10:30-14:00, online.

Guests of this workshop will be:

Madalina Bianca Moraru, Ph.D., LL.M.
(SSH ERC Starting grant holder)
Mgr. Anežka Kuzmičová, Ph.D.
(SSH ERC Starting grant holder)
Mgr. Adéla Jiroudková
(Head of Department of Science and Research at Charles University)
Matthew Rampley, B.A., Ph.D.
(Evaluator of ERC proposals and ERC Advanced grant holder

Registration form for the event is HERE.

This workshop will follow up on the events focused on the ERC grant. This time, we will get deeper into the previous topics, such as idea generation, the process of writing the proposal, structuring the work while working on the proposal, and critical areas that holders had to go through.

1/26/2024: Workshop date
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Call for submission of projects on the principle of Lead Agency with the Luxembourg Agency (FNR)

GA ČR announced an LA call in cooperation with the Luxembourg agency FNR, which acts in the role of "Lead" agency in this call, the deadline for foreign agencies is 17/04/2024 (the Czech part of the application must be sent by 24/04/2024).

All project proposals submitted to this call will be evaluated only by the Luxembourg agency FNR.

Project proposals submitted to this call are included in the maximum number of project proposals submitted to calls with the expected start of implementation in 2025, i.e. will be included in the limit of the number of call proposals announced in 02/2024 (one person can be the proposer of only one project and the co-proposer of only one project).

4/17/2024: Deadline for Luxembourg side.
4/24/2024: Deadline for Czech side (in GRIS).
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Announcement of TA CR SIGMA call Sub-goal 2: Beginning researchers and equalization of opportunities in applied research projects

The aim of the challenge is to increase the involvement of young researchers and to equalize opportunities for women and men in the competition of applied research.
The public competition is aimed at supporting the cooperation of beginning researchers in solving specific projects directly with entities from application practice.

3/27/2024: Deadline of the call.
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GA CR calls 2025

The Czech Science Foundation (GACR) is announcing calls for proposals for tenders in the area of Standard Projects, JUNIOR STAR, POSTDOC INDIVIDUAL FELLOWSHIP, and International and Lead Agency projects. 

Please let me know if you are thinking (even tentatively) about submitting a proposal to any announced call of the GA CR by March 15, 2024. Detailed information about GA CR calls 2025 will be sent to registerd applicants via e-mail and will be available also via this website here.

There will be 2 seminars for the new competitions with the participation of the chairman of the GA CR, in Prague (February 23, 2024) and Brno (March 6, 2024), registration here.

Please note that due to the Easter holidays, the deadline for finalizing proposals for the FSS will be on 28 March 2024.

3/28/2024: The date of finalization of GA CR project proposals at the FSS.
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Horizon Europa

MSCA PF call 2024

Postdoctoral fellowships foster the creative and innovative potential of postdocs who want to acquire new skills through further training and international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral mobility. More information about the call here.

The 2024 call for postdoctoral fellowships will have a budget of €417.2 million.

Important deadlines:

Call opening 10.04.2024

Call deadline 11.09.2024

Please report your interest in submitting a project by 6.3.2024 to the contact person Eva Šlesinger (slesinger@fss.muni.cz).

4/10/2024: Call opening 
9/11/2024: Call deadline 
3/6/2024: Declaration of interest
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Horizon Europa

Workshop for ERC applicants in 2024

The annual workshops are organized by the Prague Technology Centre and the Expert Group to support applicants in ERC calls:

  • Due to limited capacity, the ERC Expert Group for Supporting Applicants for ERC Grants will now focus exclusively on the younger generation of scientists. The participants will therefore be limited to ERC Starting and ERC Consolidator applicants only.

  • Applicants will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. For this reason, applicants are encouraged to prepare the required materials in good time. Registration for the workshops will open on 11 March 2024 at noon. The earliest deadline for online registration and submission of supporting materials will be April 14, 2024. When capacity is reached (including the alternate list), registration will be closed (which may occur before the April 14, 2024 deadline).

As in past years, the following will be required to participate:

Complete the online application (see document here) form and then send by email the title and abstract of the project, CV and track record of the applicant in a form and length corresponding to the ERC Work Programme 2024.

The date and time of receipt of the completed materials will be decisive for admission to the workshops.

The workshops will take place according to a standardised schedule in May, June and September 2024:

15 May 2024 - Life Sciences (LS)
16 May 2024 - Physical Sciences and Engineering (PE)
17 May 2024 - Social Sciences and Humanities (SH)

All workshops will be held online via MS Teams. The working language will be English.

Instructions and workshop handouts can be found here.

3/11/2024: Workshop registrations 
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Meeting at the Faculty of Medicine - US funding opportunities

Faculty of Medicine invites you to the Research Breakfast on 9 April 2024 at 8 a.m. in the University Campus Library.

Tomáš Kašpárek will discuss with Zdeněk Andrysík, an accomplished researcher, as he shares insights into his postdoc and early career in the US, picking a lab, life in the US, US funding opportunities and answers your questions arising from the discussion.

More information and registration here.

4/9/2024: The meeting in the Campus.
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Czech Republic - France: Support for mobility of researchers

The main objective of the Mobility activity is to support the formation of international bilateral research teams addressing research, development and innovation topics with high potential for application in international research programmes, thus strengthening the research capacities of both partner countries.

5/30/2024: Deadline of the call.
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LA grants GA CR - current calls

It is possible to submit proposals for basic research projects to LA calls in which GA ČR acts as a partner agency. Therefore, the evaluation process takes place only with foreign agencies, GA CR takes over their decisions.

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Czech Republic - Germany: Support for the mobility of researchers

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports has announced a call for applications for the provision of grants for the implementation of bilateral research, development and innovation projects between the Czech Republic and Germany within the framework of the activity Support for the mobility of researchers in the framework of international cooperation in R&D&I, with the period of solution 2025-2026.

6/10/2024: Deadline of the call.
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Environment for Life 2: Announcement of the preliminary parameters of the 1st call for tenders, PP1 and PP2

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic together with the Ministry of the Environment informs about the preparation of the 1st public competition in the Programme for Support of Applied Research and Innovation in the Field of Environment, Climate Protection and Sustainable Development - Environment for Life 2.

The Environment for Life 2 Programme is aimed at supporting projects whose research will be carried out mainly in those thematic areas where the greatest global pressures on the environment arise, i.e. in the field of natural resources, global change, circular economy, sustainable development of landscapes and human settlements, environmentally friendly technologies and eco-innovations and development of an environmentally friendly society.

4/24/2024: Announcement of the call
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TA CR - Environment for Life Program 2: Announcement of the 1st public competition

TA CR announced the first public competition of the Environment for Life 2 program.

The aim of the Environment for Life 2 program is, through R&D, to bring new knowledge and new solutions that will contribute to ensuring a healthy, safe and resilient environment for the good life of people and the sustainable development of society (including the related necessary socio-economic transformation), as well as to the effective use of natural resources ( including the development of a circular economy) and the minimization of risks arising from human activity for the environment and climate, and finally to improve the protection of nature and the Czech landscape.

6/12/2024: Deadline of the call.
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Data Management Plan (DMP) - information seminar MU

DMP - information seminar
When: 22 May 2024; 10:00-11:30
Where: online (Registration here)

Colleagues from the Open Science team will focus on the practical aspects of creating a DMP (Data Management Plan).

Target groups: GA ČR PIs for projects starting in 2024; INTER-EXCELLENCE II PIs; GO project managers, but everybody can join.

5/22/2024: DMP - information seminar, 10-11:30 a.m., online.
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Online semináře k různým mezinárodním výzvám

The Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic organizes seminars focused on programs of supra-regional, international and cross-border cooperation:
1. Interreg programs, e.g. Interreg Europe, Central Europe, Danube, cross-border cooperation Czech Republic - Poland, Austria - Czech Republic, Bavaria - Czech Republic, Slovakia - Czech Republic and Saxony - Czech Republic.
The seminar will take place on 28/05/2024 and will take place online via MS Teams. The connection link will be sent to registered participants the day before the event. Registration HERE.
2. How to get subsidies from community programs
Union programs directly managed and financed by the EU will be presented at the seminar. It will offer information on Erasmus +, Horizon Europe, Creative Europe, International Visegrad Fund, LIFE, CERV and EU programs for employment and social innovation. The seminar will take place on 15/05/2024 and will take place online via MS Teams. The connection link will be sent to registered participants the day before the event. If you are interested, register by May 13, 2024. Registration HERE.
5/15/2024: How to get subsidies from community programs - online seminar
5/28/2024: Interreg programs, e.g. Interreg Europe, Central Europe, Danube, cross-border cooperation Czech Republic - Poland, Austria - Czech Republic, Bavaria - Czech Republic, Slovakia - Czech Republic and Saxony - Czech Republic - online seminar.
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Horizon Europa

MSCA calls in 2024

Here is an overview of the open Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions (MSCA) calls for 2024:

1.) MSCA PF - Postdoctoral fellowship - Postdoctoral fellowships foster the creative and innovative potential of postdoctoral fellows. For more information, see the separate post here

Deadline: 11.9.2024

2.) MSCA Feedback to Policy 2024 - The aim of the call is to map the areas and interventions that are impacted by the implemented projects. It is intended to support existing European Commission initiatives that focus on the use and evaluation of project results. It also aims to assess the extent to which MSCA projects achieve the two main horizontal policy objectives of the programe: the development of training, skills, and careers of researchers and the related promotion of cross-sectoral cooperation. More information here.

Deadline: 3.9.2024

MSCA International Cooperation 2024 - The aim of this call is to promote international cooperation in the field of MSCA in Horizon Europe through a dedicated support action that will complement and ensure coordination between existing promotion channels at local level and ensure coherence with formal policy dialogues on research and innovation at bilateral and regional level. The following activities should be carried out under the call: promotion of cooperation (bilateral, bi-regional), identification of cooperation initiatives, promotion of cooperation opportunities. More information here.

Deadline: 4.9.2024

3.) MSCA COFUND 2024 - Co-funding of Regional, National and International Programmes (COFUND) supports new or existing doctoral programs and postdoctoral fellowship programs. The aim is to disseminate MSCA best practices, including international, interdisciplinary, and cross-disciplinary research training, as well as international and interdisciplinary mobility of researchers at all stages of their careers. More information here.

Deadline: 26.9.2024

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Announcement of the call for proposals for healthcare research and development projects (AZV 2025-2028)

The Ministry of Health is issuing a single-stage competition for special-purpose support of the Ministry of Health for the solution of health research and development projects.

Targeted support of the Ministry of Health is intended for the solution of applied research projects, i.e. projects solved for the purpose of obtaining new knowledge directed to a specific, predetermined practical goal with a given application of the results in the healthcare sector.


6/26/2024: Deadline of the call.
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INTER-EXCELLENCE II, subprogram INTER-ACTION – LUAUS25 bilateral projects CR-USA

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of CZ announces a PUBLIC COMPETITION IN RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND INNOVATION LUAUS25 bilateral projects Czech Republic - United States of America in all scientific fields.

7/10/2024: Deadline of the call.
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Seminář CTT From Patenting to Applied Science

Masaryk University Technology Transfer Office, in cooperation with the Faculty of Pharmacy, invites you to the afternoon dedicated to technology transfer.

We have the honour to welcome Dr. Yashwant Pathak, PhD, Fulbright Scholarship holder, and Dr. Markéta Vlasáková, IP protection specialist from the Technology Transfer Office, share the experiences with technology transfer challenges for universities and a perspective of patenting at Masaryk University.

Registration here.

5/28/2024: 3-4:30 p.m., CEITEC MU
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Crowdhelix - Open innovation platform to connect researchers to work on international projects

Take advantage of MUNI's membership in the Crowdhelix network – a platform enabling the connection of researchers, institutions and companies interested in collaborating on international research projects. Thanks to membership, it is possible to participate in various specifically focused events. The following information sheets will help you make the most of this platform:
How to post a job opportunity
How to create the perfect profile
How to get relevant funding calls sent according to your profile information
How to present your organization on Crowdhelix
How to respond to collaboration opportunities How to create an interesting offer
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Horizon Europa

Invitation to the ERC workshop

We offer the opportunity to participate in a workshop focused on the presentation of an ERC project to a panel of experts.

The workshop entitled The Art of an ERC Presentation: How to prepare for the ERC committee will take place on 25 September 2024 in Brno, from 13:30 - 15:30.

After 15:30 the networking with guests will follow.
Invitation to the workshop can be found here.

The activity is primarily intended for SYRI project scientists. Participation of those interested outside the project is possible.
Link to register for the event here: https://forms.office.com/r/Gbx9YSd4fV

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Horizon Europa

MSCA 4 Ukraine

In April 2024, the European Commission announced a €10 million increase in the allocation for the MSCA4Ukraine programme. The additional budget will allow an additional 50 fellows, both PhD students and postdocs, to continue their research activities in the EU and countries associated to the Framework Programme.

The application portal will be opened in August. To verify eligibility, the call documentation will be available on the initiative's website from the beginning of June.

If you are interested in finding out more about the initiative, sign up for the information day on 14 June from 2 - 4 pm. Registration is open HERE.

The event will be followed by two hands-on workshops with space for questions on June 20 and 24.

Source: Science and Research portal 

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Horizon Europe

Social Sciences and Humanities in Horizon Europe programme

Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) have their own space in Cluster 2 "Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society" of Horizon Europe, but can also contribute to all other clusters and other parts of the HE programme.

An overview of relevant opportunities for SSH involvement is provided by the publication Opportunities for Researchers from the Social Sciences and Humanities in Horizon Europe. Analysis of SSH-relevant Topics in Work Program 2023-2025.

The currently released overview features a selection of topics with deadlines in 2024 and 2025.

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Horizon Europa

Schedule of ERC calls

The European Research Council adopts the ERC work programme for 2025. Dates of individual calls:

Starting grant                 Call opening   10.7.2024        Call deadline    15.10.2024

Consolidator grant          Call opening   26.9.2024       Call deadline    14.1.2025

Advanced grant              Call opening    22.5.2025       Call deadline    28.8.2025

Detailed call schedules can be found here.

Source: portal Věda a výzkum

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SciFlow webinar

Attend the webinar "Enhancing Research Integrity with SciFlow: workflows for increasing trust in your research", which will focus on the key topic of research integrity.

Learn how the SciFlow platform can support integrity while preparing and publishing a scientific article.

Date: 17.9.2024, 14:00-15:00

Price: Free, registration required here

Webinar language: English

Webinar Program:

  • Introduction to Research Integrity
  • Using SciFlow for Transparent Writing
  • Managing and sharing citations
  • Formatting with SciFlow

Target Audience:

  • Researchers, students and academic authors
  • Library and university management

A detailed description of the webinar can be found here.

If the date and time don't work for you, register anyway. The SciFlow will send a link to the recording to all registrants after the webinar.

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RMA Breakfast on Project Hunting - meeting within the HE project CENTREPEACE

The CENTREPEACE project team (Horizon Europe, CSA - TWINNING) invites you to the RMA Breakfast on Project Hunting.

This RMA Breakfast presents a unique opportunity to discuss the project-hunting process at research institutions in an informal setting. During this meeting, we will have presentations and discussions from the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), the University of Helsinki (UoH) and MUNI on the following topics:
- how suitable calls are searched for
- how the communication between RMA and researchers looks like at each institution
- what time does the preparation of a project proposal start
- what does the preparation process of a project look like

Registration is open by 3rd September 2024 here.

9/6/2024: The meeting will take place on 6. 9. 2024 from 09:00 to 10:30 a.m. in Zasedací místnost Sira Rogera Scrutona č. 300 (Komenského nám. 220/2, Brno).
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TA ČR Proof of Concept

Proof of Concept TA CR - internal call

CTT MU has announced an internal call for the Proof of Concept sub-projects within the TA CR SIGMA program.
Information and documents for submitting PoC project proposals are published on the website of the MU Technology Transfer Center.
At the same time, REGISTRATION for the internal CTT seminar for this call was launched on the call page, which will take place on September 11 at Komenského 2, room 300, from 2:30 p.m.
The seminar will be in the Czech language with the possibility of online connection. For possible consultations, you can contact CTT (pustova@ctt.muni.cz).
The call is open until October 7, 2024.
9/11/2024: Internal seminar, Komenského 2, room 300, from2:30 p.m. Registration here.
10/7/2024: Deadline of the internal call.
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Announcement of the 2nd call of the THETA 2 TA CR program

The proposal must contribute to the fulfillment of the vision of transformation and modernization of the energy sector and must contain new and practical knowledge in the energy sector.

10/23/2024: Deadline of the call.
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AKTION Austria - Czech Republic

A programme to promote bilateral collaboration in science and education between Czechia and Austria.

Types of supported activities:

  • Projects aimed at long-term cooperation

  • Joint scientific events for students, such as seminars or field trips

  • Joint bilateral scientific events such as symposia, expert meetings and workshops

  • Preparatory phase for programmes that award double degrees

  • Research trips to obtain scientific data

  • Financial support for the publication of outputs from completed projects

  • Summer colleges, i.e. summer language courses in Czech or German

  • Specialised summer schools based on different scientific disciplines

  • Academic exchanges for the purpose of carrying out educational events under the master’s and doctoral study programmes of the host institution

In the case of all the activities supported, priority will be given to young scientists (up to 10 years from completion of their doctoral studies).

10/15/2024: Deadlines for submission of project proposals for projects realised in the the period from 1st July to 31st December 2025  
3/15/2025: Deadlines for submission of project proposals for projects realised in the the period from 1st July to 31st December 2025.
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Support for innovation in teaching at Masaryk University in 2024

As part of the internal call, it is possible to submit a project proposal to innovate teaching in the areas of simulation, project or research-oriented teaching.

Support is not intended for the introduction of new courses.

9/26/2024: Workshop for applicants. Link here.
10/14/2024: Latest salary consultation date (Mrs. Dopplerová)
10/18/2024: Latest budget consultation date (ing. Kršková)
10/23/2024: Deadline for the internal call.
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Announcement of calls of the Masaryk University Grant Agency 2024

GAMU announces competitions for the submission of project proposals starting in 2025:

Support for the preparation of international grants - HORIZONS (ongoing call)
MUNI Award in Science and Humanities – MASH, MASH StG/CoG (DL 9/12/2024)
Support for the integration of scientists after a career break - Career Restart (DL 18/10/2024)

Proposals are submitted through ISEP.

Award for excellent research results – MUNI SCIENTIST (nominations until 4 October 2024) - can be nominated by:

vice-deans for science and research of faculties and trustees of research centers of Masaryk University
director of the Center for Technology Transfer
vice-rector for research and doctoral studies
head of the RMU Research Department

10/4/2024: Nominations MUNI SCIENTIST
10/18/2024: DL Career Restart
12/9/2024: DL MASH, MASH StG, CoG
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Call for proposals with Poland (NCN) within LA grants of GA CR

The Czech Science Foundation (GA ČR) in cooperation with the Polish agency National Science Center (NCN) announces a call for submission of project proposals based on the principle of Lead Agency evaluation, with the expected start of implementation in 2026. GA ČR acts as a partner organization in this call - projects evaluated by NCN and GA CR accepts the evaluation.

12/23/2024: Deadline for the Czech part of the application.
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Questionnaire request - Perception of project support by the research community

CZARMA (Czech Association of Research and Development Managers and Administrators) asks researchers and academics, including doctoral students and postdocs, to fill in a short questionnaire (5 questions, max. 5 minutes) on the topic of perception of the level of project support provided at the workplace, satisfaction with project support services, suggestions for improvement / extension of services.

Link to questionnaire here. Please complete by September 30, 2024. Thank you for your willingness.

The results of that survey will be presented at the CZARMA conference and used to focus its future activities more effectively.

9/30/2024: Deadline for completing the questionnaire.
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The RMU Research ogffice invites you to Grants week, which will take place on the 11th-13th and 20th of November 2024 at MU. The event is intended for all those interested (scientists and project support workers) in the field of national and international grant schemes.

Grants Week Objectives
Introduce grant opportunities
Motivate to active participation in funding programmes for research
Share good practice on how to prepare a successful grant proposal

Programme and registration here.

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TA ČR SIGMA Support for the innovative potential of social sciences, humanities and arts - preliminary call parameters

TA ČR is preparing for 30/10/2024 the announcement of a call in the SIGMA program - DC3 - Support of the innovation potential of social sciences, humanities and arts.

The call deadline will be 13/12/2024.

10/30/2024: Announcement of the call.
12/13/2024: Deadline of the call.
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RMA breakfast on the topic of science evaluation

The team of the CENTREPEACE project (Horizon Europe - Twinning) invites to the RMA breakfast on the topic of science evaluation (18 October 2024, 11:00-12:30 a.m., room U42, FSS).

This type of event organized as part of an ongoing international project is intended to serve as a less formal space for academics and administrative staff to meet and discuss common topics.

The guest of this meeting will be the head of the Center for Scientometric Support and Evaluation Mgr. Michal Peter We will be introduced to the national evaluation of research organizations according to the 2017+ Methodology, the internal evaluation of research at MU and its influence on funding will be discussed, and we will focus in more detail on the system of research evaluation indicators at FSS affecting the faculty budget. This information can also be important in connection with the planning of projects and their outputs and the overall planning of the results of a scientific career.

Small refreshments will also be available.

Please register no later than 15 October 2024 here: https://forms.office.com/e/neUrevK3c5

10/18/2024: RMA breakfast on the topic of science evaluation, 11:00-12:30 h a.m., room U42, FSS Registration no later than 15 October 2024 here: https://forms.office.com/e/neUrevK3c5
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TA CR webinar - Project implementation

TA CR organizes online webinars project implementation.

The following topics will be discussed:

documenting the results achieved

change management

implementation monitoring open access to data and results

the most common mistakes during the realization/implementation of the project

The webinar will be held on Wednesday, October 23, 2024, from 9 a.m. For the realization of the webinar, the Zoom application will be used, which allows you to ask questions online during the webinar. Registration here.

10/23/2024: Webinar TA CR Project implementation, 9 a.m.. Registration here. In Czech.
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TA CR - schedule of calls for the years 2024-2027

TA CR annonced the schedule of calls for the years 2024-2027: harmonogram vs_2024-2027 (tacr.cz)

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Possible changes in ongoing projects and application deadlines

Please consider the necessary changes in ongoing projects in cooperation with project support department, the economic and personnel department. Many changes must be requested from the provider in advance, no later than the end of October (GA CR), 10 November (TA CR), 30 November (MV Security Research).
More below.
10/31/2024: Deadline for GA CR - a request for a change in a project.
11/10/2024: Deadline for TA CR - a request for a change in a project.
11/30/2024: Deadline for Ministry of the Interior - a request for a change in a project.
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Data Visualization Workshop

We invite you to the Data Visualization workshop, organized as part of the SYRI project Mentoring Programme. Summarized info below.

The Data Visualization Workshop will help you visualize data for various audiences in the most effective and impactful way. We will go through the basic principles of data visualization with a quick insight into cognitive psychology. We will focus on how to choose the right type of visualization for specific data to maximize its clarity and right interpretation and share some useful tools for creating visualisation.

Data Visualization Workshop - October 25 (Friday), ONLINE
Time: 9:00-13:00 (*the last hour will be dedicated to those who wish to consult their work)
Language: English
Registration: https://forms.office.com/r/2nEi1ex5Rt (Zoom link will be shared on 18th of October)
Lecturer: RNDr. Kristína Pšorn Zákopčanová

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Webinar Introduction to Research Data Management

The National Technical Library invites you to a webinar Introduction to Research Data Management that will be held online on Wednesday, October 30, 2024.
10/30/2024: Webinar Introduction to Research Data Management.  October 30, 2024, 10-11:30 a.m. Registration here.
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Announcement of the TA CR call with the Ministry of Defense PRODEF "National public competition in defense research"

TA CR, in cooperation with the Ministry of Defense, announced the first public competition in the Program for the Support of Applied Research and Innovation in the Defense Industry PRODEF, sub-programme 2 "National Public Competitions in Defense Research".

The call is aimed at supporting applied research and innovation projects in the field of modern emerging and breakthrough technologies that can be used for the needs of the Army of the Czech Republic. The results of the projects will have a high potential for application in a number of civil and military areas, so-called dual use (use for civil and military purposes).

12/11/2024: Deadline of the call.
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RMA breakfast: Assessment of science at FSS.

The team of the CENTREPEACE project (Horizon Europe - Twinning) invites all interested parties from the FSS to the RMA breakfast on the topic of science evaluation at the FSS (18 November 2024, 10:40-11:40 a.m., room U33, FSS). This type of event organized as part of an ongoing international project is intended to serve as a less formal space for academics and administrative staff to meet and discuss common topics.

The guest of this meeting will be the vice-dean for strategy and development of FSS MU prof. PhDr. David Šmahel, Ph.D. He will introduce us to the national evaluation of research organizations from the perspective of the OP5 panel leader within M17+, and the evaluation of science at the FSS will also be discussed.

Small refreshments will also be available.

Please register no later than 14/11/2024 here: https://forms.office.com/e/4xq90BmNVr

11/18/2024: RMA breakfast Assessment of science at FSS. Registration by 14. 11. 2024 here: https://forms.office.com/e/4xq90BmNVr
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Czech Science Foundation - searching for panel members

The Czech Science Foundation (GA ČR) is looking for evaluators for all panels.

You can register until 16 December 2024 here.

12/16/2024: Until 16. 12. 2024 is possible to fill in the form on the GA CR website.
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TA CR SIGMA Sub-goal 3: Support of the innovative potential of social sciences, humanities and arts

TA CR announced a call in the SIGMA program sub-goal 3 Support of the innovation potential of social sciences, humanities and arts with a deadline of 13/12/2024.

Areas and research topics are defined.

12/13/2024: Deadline of the call.
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GA CR - Call for submitting Slovenian-Czech projects based on the LA principle

GA CR (Czech Science Foundation) announces a call for joint Slovenian-Czech projects in cooperation with the Slovenian agency ARIS within the WEAVE initiative. ARIS will be the evaluation agency, GA CR will accept the evaluation.
1/31/2025: Deadline for ARIS.
2/7/2025: Deadline for GA CR (Czech part of the application).
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Czech Science Foundation Restart Grants

The Czech Science Foundation (GACR) is preparing the new kind of grants - Restart Grants to offer a estart for scientific careers.

GACR intends to announce the tender in February 2025, with annual funding anticipated for approximately 25 new projects.

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Deadlines for submission of partial and final reports of GA CR 2025

The Czech Science Foundation (GA CR) has issued deadlines for the processing of partial and final reports for the year 2024:

Submission of partial reports for 2024: 15/01/2025
Submission of final reports: 4 February 2025
Submission of interim, interim and final reports for 2024 for the EXPRO and JUNIOR STAR projects: 4/02/2025

The researchers will be informed by e-mail and also on the GA CR website about the availability of the forms in the application for submitting and managing grant projects (GRIS).

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RMA breakfast on the topic of ERC Starting as part of the ERC Series

The team of the CENTREPEACE (Horizon Europe - Twinning) project invites all interested parties from FSS to the RMA breakfast on the topic of ERC Starting as part of the ERC Series, during which different types of ERC projects will be presented.

This type of event organized as part of an ongoing international project is intended to serve as a less formal space for academics and administrative staff to meet and discuss common topics.

Venue and time: 5.12. 2024, 10:00-12:00 h, 343 Great meeting room, Komenského náměstí 2

The guest of this meeting will be doc. PhDr. Michal Smetana, Ph.D. , who works at the Peace Research Center Prague and the Institute of International Studies FSV UK and is also a successful researcher of the ERC Starting grant. He will introduce us to the personal motivation for submitting a project, the individual stages of writing a project application and will provide practical advice for project preparation. The meeting will also be attended by Mgr. Veronika Mikitová, Ph.D., who is the contact person for ERC projects at RMU MU, and also Mgr. Eva Šlesinger, who provides project support for ERC projects at FSS.

Small refreshments will also be prepared.

Please register no later than 27 November 2024 here: https://forms.office.com/e/wy1r219b75

12/5/2024: RMA breakfast 10:00-12:00 h, 343 Great meeting room, Komenského náměstí 2 Please register no later than 27 November 2024 here: https://forms.office.com/e/wy1r219b75
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Webinar Data Management Plan in research projects

Due to the obligation to document DMP for GA CR projects financed from 2024, within the first progress report at the latest (i.e. at the beginning of 2025), GA CR will organize "Scientific Data Management Training with Data Stewardship Wizard", 5 December 2024 (09 :30-11:30 a.m.), in English, online, registration required.

At the same time, OV RMU offers the possibility of subsequent analysis/consultations within MU, namely at the internal seminar "How to DMP" held by colleagues from the Open Science team, which will take place on 10 December 2024 (13:00-14:00 p.m.), Teams link . There is no need to register for this seminar and it will be open to anyone who needs to deliver a DMP to their projects ie. not only for GA CR project.

12/5/2024: Scientific Data Management Training with Data Stewardship Wizard", 09 :30-11:30, in English, online, registration required.
12/10/2024: "How to DMP" held by colleagues from the Open Science team, 13:00-14:00) Teams link
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November 29, 2024 - date of announcement of the results of the GA CR 2025 call

The results of the GA CR 2025 call (Standard projects, Postdoc Individual Fellowship) will probably be announced in the morning on Friday 29 November 2024 on the GA CR website: Seznam podpořených projektů (od roku 2025) - Grantová agentura České republiky

11/29/2024: The announcement of results of GA CR 2025 call.
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Erasmus+ KA2: Cooperative partnership, small-scale partnership - limits of the number of applications for MU

Centre for International Cooperation MU informs about the limits on the number of applications submitted on behalf of MU until the spring call for Key Action 2.

Specifically, it concerns the Cooperative Partnership, areas: school education, vocational education and training, adult education, youth; and Small-scale Partnerships, areas: school education, vocational education and training, adult education, youth.

In the Cooperative Partnership, a limit of 10 applications per organization, either as an applicant or a partner, was set for the mentioned areas in total for all the mentioned areas. In the Small-Scale Partnership, a limit of 5 applications per organization, either as an applicant or a partner, has been set for all areas listed in total. The field of higher education is limitless for both activities.

The deadline for submitting a grant application for all the above areas is 3/5/2025 at 12:00 p.m. More on ERASMUS+ challenges here: Erasmus+ Programme Guide - Erasmus+

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GA ČR (Czech Science Foundation), in cooperation with the Luxembourg agency Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR), announces a call for project proposals based on the principle of Lead Agency evaluation, with the expected start of solutions in 2026. GA ČR acts as a partner organization in this call – projects are evaluated by FNR and GA ČR accepts the results of the assessment.

The Czech part of the project proposal can be submitted no later than 17/04/2025, i.e. 7 days after the official deadline set by the FNR for Luxembourg applicants on 10/04/2025.

4/17/2025: Deadline of the call for the Czech part.
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Horizon Europa

Workshop on ERC grant applications

This workshop aims to guide ERC applicants and research project managers through preparing and submitting an ERC proposal. It is especially aimed at those with little or no experience writing an ERC proposal. Participants will gain insights through practical examples and discussions focusing on common mistakes and effective strategies. By sharing best practices, the workshop aims to help applicants refine their approach and improve the quality of their proposals to increase their chances of success in this prestigious competition.

Date: 18.2.2025

Time: 9:00 - 11:00

Place: Kounicův sál RMU

Registration here

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Webinar - partial and final GA ČR reports

RMU (Zdenka Žampachová) invites interested parties to an internal seminar to prepare and check partial and final reports of the GA CR.
The seminar will take place on Thursday 9/1/2025 from 10:00 - 11:30 (link to ZOOM).
1/9/2025: Webinar GA ČR reports, 10-11:30 a.m.
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The aim of the call is to support cooperation projects of Czech and Austrian educational institutions of the tertiary sector.
Application deadline: March 15 (for the period of project implementation from July 1 to December 31, 2025).
Webinar for those interested in project cooperation (for the new project period) online on January 21, 2025 from 1 p.m. Registration here.
3/15/2025: Application deadlines: March 15 (for the period of project implementation from July 1 to December 31, 2025).
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Horizon Europa

MSCA-PF webinar for (potential) supervisors

A concise webinar explaining the essence of MSCA-PF, a prestigious Horizon Europe grant for postdoctoral researchers.

Discover more about the grant scheme and your role as a supervisor in preparing the proposal!

Date: 3.2.2025

Time: 9:30 - 11:00

Place: Online Zoom 

Register here

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The LA GACR call for joint proposals with Croatia

The Czech Science Fondation (GA ČR) in cooperation with the Croatian agency Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ) announces a call for submission of project proposals based on the principle of Lead Agency evaluation with the expected start of implementation in 2026. GA ČR acts in the role of a partner organization in this call - projects evaluated by the HRZZ and GA CR accepts the evaluation results.

2/24/2025: DL for Croatian side.
3/3/2025: DL for Czech side.
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RMA Breakfast on the topic of ERC Consolidator within the ERC Series

In the name of CENTREPEACE (Horizon Europe - Twinning), we would like to invite you to RMA Breakfast on the topic of ERC Consolidator within the ERC Series, during which we will introduce various types of ERC projects.

2/14/2025: DL for registration (https://forms.office.com/e/6VdKyzX2Wn)
2/24/2025: Place and time of the event: 24.02.2025, 10:30-12:00, U42 Faculty of Social Studies, Joštova 10
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TA CR TRANSPORT 2030 - Preliminary parameters of the 3rd competition

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, together with the Ministry of Transport, informs about the preparation of the 3rd public competition in the Program for the Support of Applied Research and Innovation in the Field of Transport TRANSPORT 2030.
TA CR plan to announce this public competition on March 5, 2025.
The outputs/results of project proposals submitted to this public competition must have the potential for further application in new approaches, technological processes and services leading to the strengthening of social and economic benefits in the transport sector.
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Webinar - Sona Systems

Sona Systems - use of the research recruitment tool

Are you looking for a way to recruit participants to your research, manage their involvement, schedule the involvement of other researchers in the case of laboratory studies, as well as the optimal utilization and availability of rooms and equipment?

In 90 minutes you will be introduced to the basic features of Sona Systems' powerful tool, which can also be interfaced with more than 25 platforms for creating, managing and administering online research and lab experiments (Qualtrics, SurveyMonkey, LimeSurvey, Cognition Lab, Open Lab...), while keeping your data completely secure. You can use these and other features both through the desktop interface and in the mobile app for iOS and Android. Find out how to do this in the workshop mentioned above.

The possible use of Sona Systems in citizen science will also be briefly presented and there will be time for your questions.

Date and time: Tuesday 4 February 2025 10.00-11.30

Realization: the Open Science Core team

Venue: online MS Teams

Language: Czech

Contact: citizenscience@space.muni.cz

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Preparation of this year´s calls - the Czech Science Foundation (GA ČR)

The Czech Science Foundation calls will probably be announced in mid-February 2025.

EXPRO will not be announced this year (the next call will be in 2026), the new possibility will be the Return Grants for scientists returning after a career break. The project will be able to be submitted within two years of the end of a career break associated with caring for a child or other dependent person for at least one year. The duration of the support will depend on the chosen level of commitment and will be two to four years. Researchers can also involve students and technical workers in the project implementation.

We will inform you about the announcement of the calls (via e-mails and NL). If you are interested in further information about the calls now, please contact me (lorencova@fss.muni.cz).
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TA CR preliminary schedule of calls 2025-2027

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA ČR) has published an updated schedule of calls for proposals for the years 2025-2027.

If you have any questions about individual call types, please contact me (lorencova@fss.muni.cz). We will inform you about the announcement of calls through our newsletter.

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The need to link the profile of proposers in SISTA TA CR with Masaryk University

All new projects of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic will already be submitted in the new SISTA information system. Therefore, log in/register early and connect with the MU organization. More instructions here (in Czech).

As for ongoing projects, their administration is still running in the original ISTA. Data from these projects will be automatically transferred to SISTA during 2025.

As for new calls that will be announced in 2025, they will already be running through the new SISTA. So, anyone who wants to participate in new calls must first "connect" in their profile with the organization for which they will submit a proposal. Masaryk University is already registered in SISTA and it is therefore possible to request a connection. Here is a link to instructions on how to connect with a registered organization. Applications will be gradually approved by the organization administrators (RMU).

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ComMUNIty Fund MU call

Do you have an idea how to contribute to nature conservation, support sustainability or improve the quality of life at Masaryk University? The Community Fund is here for you! Get financial support for your projects and join those who are changing the world for the better. The projects follow the Strategy "Sustainable Masaryk University 2025–2028".

3/31/2025: Deadline of the call.
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Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) calls


CITIZENS ENGAGEMENT call - DL 29. 4. 2025

CHILDREN'S RIGHTS call - DL 29. 4. 2025


Upcoming calls:


EQUALITY call (early 2025)

EUROPEAN MEMORY call (3/2025)

DAPHNE call (2/2025)

More information on the Funding and tenders portal.

Online webinar on open calls of the CERF programme 12. 2. 2025 10-12 h, registration here.

2/12/2025: Webinar CERV calls, 10-12 a.m., registration here.
4/29/2025: Deadline of the calls 
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Third public competition in research, experimental development and innovation of the Program for the Support of Applied Health Research for the Years 2024 - 2030

The Agency for Health Research of the Czech Republic announces the 3rd public competition in research, experimental development and innovation of the Program for the Support of Applied Health Research for the Years 2024 - 2030.

The Ministry of Health's targeted support is intended for solving applied research projects, i.e. projects solved for the purpose of obtaining new knowledge directed towards a specific, pre-determined practical goal with a given application of the results in healthcare. Applied research in healthcare is focused on solving problems associated with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of human diseases.


Webinar about this call: 18th February 2025, registration here.

2/18/2025: Webinar about this call, registration here.
3/21/2025: Deadline of the call, 12 a.m.
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Free courses under EDUC Alliance

EDUC Alliance offers courses intended mainly for PhD students:

Registration for those courses is open in February and March 2025. 

Another courses you can find here.

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Seminars about GA CR calls 2026

The Czech Science Foundation (GA CR) invites to the seminars about new GA CR calls 2026 in Prague (28 February 2025) and Brno (5 March 2025) - in Czech, also online.

Registration here.

2/28/2025: Seminar about GA CR calls 2026 in Prague, from 11 a.m.
3/5/2025: Seminar GA CR calls 2026, in Brno, from 10 a.m.
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Activities of the MU Research Ethics Committee in February/March 2025

Due to the coincidence of the competition deadlines for the grant calls of the Czech Sciences foundation (GA CR) and the Czech Health Research Council (AZV) , for capacity reasons, the Research Ethics Committee (EKV) will be able to deal with the assessment of projects for these calls from the end of February to the beginning of April 2025 exclusively.

For applications submitted to the EKV after February 10, 2025, the assessment will not begin until April 2025.

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Webinar Fundamentals of Research Data Management

The lecture provides participants, especially PhD students, project data managers/curators/stewards or national or international grant investigators, with an insight into the basic practices of research data management (RDM) with an emphasis on FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles and motivation in the context of Open Science (OS).

Participants will be introduced to basic terminology and, through examples and discussion, will learn the fundamentals of good RDM practice. Graduates of the course will have a basic overview of the field of RDM in the context of OS, will be able to apply FAIR principles to their projects, and will know resources for further self-education in this area.

Registration here.

3/4/2025: Webinar Fundamentals of Research Data Management, online, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
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GA CR calls 2026 announced

The Czech Science Foundation (GACR) announces calls for project proposals for STANDARD PROJECTS, JUNIOR STAR, POSTDOC INDIVIDUAL FELLOWSHIP, INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS, and a new scheme, the RESTART GRANTS addressing scientists returning to work after a career break.

2/20/2025: Please report your interest (even if only preliminary) in submitting a proposal to one of the GA CR 2026 calls by 20. 2. 2025 to e-mail lorencova@fss.muni.cz.
4/3/2025: Dedaline of the calls.
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GA CR calls 2026 - seminars and Research Ethics Committee deadline

The Research Ethics Committee (REC) will accept applications for ethics review of GA CR project proposals until Wednesday, March 5, 2025, at 2:00 p.m. The deadline must be met; applications submitted after this deadline will not be considered!

When does a proposal require the attachment of a preliminary ECR approval here.

An internal seminar for scientists organized by the RMU Research Council in English will be held on Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Kounic Hall/online), registration here.

Registration is also open for GA CR seminars in Prague (February 28, 2025) and Brno (March 5, 2025) - both in person and online.

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The lecture - Getting the Balance Right: Gender and the Academic Workplace - CENTREPEACE

On behalf of CENTREPEACE (Horizon Europe - Twinning), we would like to invite you to the lecture - Getting the Balance Right: Gender and the Academic Workplace.

Event details:

Date: 19.03.2025

Time: 09:00 - 10:40

Place: Komenského nám. 2, Room S117 (map)

The deadline for registration is 14.03.2025.

Register here: https://forms.office.com/e/ChBa5uhb1n

The seminar will be held in English.

Light refreshments will be provided.

3/19/2025: The lecture - Getting the Balance Right: Gender and the Academic Workplace, 9-10:40 a.m.
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Application to create publication analysis

Colleagues from the MU University Campus Library have created an application for generating publication overviews including citations and metrics from Web of Science and Scopus.

If you are interested, you can find it at https://kuk.muni.cz/pa/

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Writing for Publication in Academic Journals Workshop - CENTREPEACE

On behalf of CENTREPEACE (Horizon Europe- Twinning), we are pleased to invite you to a Writing for Publication in Academic Journals Workshop. The workshop will take participants through some of the main challenges of academic writing and publishing: formulating the core argument, identifying a target audience, thinking through structure, submitting to a journal, handling feedback from reviewers, and approaching the writing process.

Event details:

Date and time: 20. - 21.03.2025 9:15 - 15:00
Place: Room 343, Komenského nám. 2 (map)

We are delighted to welcome Lynn P. Nygaard, a special advisor from the prestigious Peace Research Institute Oslo. Her tasks include supporting academics in writing and publishing, and other support roles in professional development, gender and diversity.

The lecture will be held in English.

Registration deadline: 12 March 2025

Register here.

A light snack will be provided during the session.

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Masaryk University