4th public tender PROGRAM TRANSPORT 2020+ TA CR

The focus of the tender covers research on the entire transport sector and all modes of transport, ie land, water and air, including all types of transport and transport infrastructure.

Outputs / results must have the potential for further application in practice.


Max project support: 80%

Maximum amount of support / project: CZK 50 million

Project duration: 24-48 months.

At least one application guarantor (internal or external).


Each project proposal must meet one of the specific objectives of the program:

o Sustainable transport;

o Safe and resilient transport and transport infrastructure;

o Accessible and interoperable transport;

o Automation, digitization, navigation and satellite systems.


The applicant for support can be:

research organization;
organizational unit of the state;
territorial self-governing unit.

More to call here (in Czech only).


Information on TACR website (in Czech)

Important dates

Datum Popis
1 Jun 2022

Deadline of the call.

Main person to contact

Person to contact regarding budgets

Person to contact regarding wages

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