How to prepare project proposal?
Do you have an idea, a project topic?
We will discuss with you the possibilities, grant schemes, suitable calls for your topic. We will keep posting the latest calls suitable for FSS on this website. For each call, you will find its basic parameters, including important links and a contact person you can contact with any questions.
You can also send questions about project ideas to
You can receive information about new calls, interesting seminars and events in your e-mail every week - subscribe to our newsletter.
The project/research plan must also always be consulted with the line supervisor (a head of a department), who must recommend the project for implementation and is then involved in the approval of the proposal in ISEP (Project Management Information System at MU) before sending it to the provider.
You can also use the MUNI Portal website to obtain information on project schemes and calls.
The most important grant agencies and programmes
GA CR (The Czech Science Foundation) was established in 1993 as an independent public organisation supporting basic research in the Czech Republic provides financial support for both experienced and young and early-stage researchers. It also funds international projects on a bilateral basis in cooperation with several partner agencies as well as projects carried out within international research programmes. The success rate for MU applicants is around 30%.
TA CR (Technology Agency of the Czech Republic) is an organizational unit of the state that was founded in 2009 and supports applied research and experimental development in about 10 different programme schemes.
HORIZON EUROPE is the new EU Research and Innovation programme (2021 to 2027) which supports a wide range of research, development, demonstration and innovation activities, including the dissemination of results. More information here.
Preparation of project proposal
Preparation of project proposal
A summary of the parameters of a particular call will always be posted on our website, including faculty deadlines, instructions and specific persons for consultation from the Finance (project budget) and Personnel (salaries) offices and the Research and Project Support office (interpretation of the tender documents, feedback on proposal texts, final review of the proposal, submission of the proposal).
We will guide you through the formal preparation of the project application in the provider's application (e.g. GRIS, ISTA, ISKP 14+, etc.) and its approval in ISEP and explain everything that will be of interest to you.
The rules for the preparation of project proposals and project management are based on MU internal standards, in particular MU Directive No. 6/2016 Project Management.
ISEP - Project Management Information System
Each project proposal must be created in ISEP (part Project proposal editor), basic project data filled in, budget completed, ETHICS yes/no, GDPR yes/no selected, draft inserted and electronic approval initiated before sending to the provider. Research and Project Support office staff will assist with the creation of the proposal record.
Research Ethics Committee
Any project proposal that involves research on human subjects is subject to a REC assessment. Requests for REC assessment are submitted through ISEP.
Does your proposal need approval from the Research Ethics Committee before submission? The staff of the Research and Project Support office will provide you with an initial consultation and arrange contact with a REC representative.
Budget preparation
Economic Department:
- will prepare an auxiliary excel table for you for preparing the budget according to the parameters of the tender documentation and the provider's instructions,
- will go over the eligibility and appropriateness of the costs with you, the amount of the costs and their inclusion in the correct budget chapters,
- could help with the entry of budget items into the providers' information systems.
The consultation takes place with the budget administrator indicated in the specific call on the website.
Budget administrators for the most frequent calls:
TA CR, Norwegian Funds, Horizon Europe, Visegrad grants, calls of the Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Health, ERASMUS + KA2, foreign foundations, funds - Barbora Kršková
GA CR, calls of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MEYS) - Miroslava Hazuková
Operating programs - Monika Koutná
Personnel Department:
will advise you on the appropriate amount of personal costs and employment and the form of labor relations of the members of the project team, including the employment of foreign colleagues.
FSS MU Center for Information and Communication Technologies (CIKT):
consultation and advice on the purchase of HW/SW
FSS Central Library:
The Open Science condition already appears in most grant schemes. Most strictly for the Horizon Europe framework program, where it is necessary to take into account expenses for opening the article, or research data already in the submitted application.
You can contact the library for comprehensive advice in the field of Open Science.
Contact person: Mgr. Aneta Pilátová,
Researcher identifiers, citations
In the case of professional publications, there could be the problem of author identification, i.e. that the right publications are assigned to the right scientist, which is important above all for the evaluation of science and research. In addition, this requirement appears more and more frequently when submitting applications for grants (e.g. GA CR recommendations) and by publishers.
The solution is to create unique author identifiers (Researcher ID, ORCID). The third most frequently used identifier is the Scopus Author ID, which is created automatically when records are created in the Scopus database.
The FSS Central Library will provide you with more information and help with establishment or administration. Contact person: Mgr. Dana Mazancová,
- list of applicants' publications supplemented with bibliometric parameters,
- a selection of the most cited publications from the WoS and Scopus citation databases,
- determination of the number of citation responses (number of citations by other authors),
- findings of current values of bibliometric indicators (e.g. h-index according to project requirements).
More information and help will be provided by: Ing. Martina Nedomová and Mgr. Dana Mazancová,
To create a publication analysis including citations and IF, you can also use the application created by the University Campus Library:
The Office for International Relations ( will provide administrative support when submitting proposals for projects falling under the agenda of the Center for International Cooperation (CIC; e.g. ERASMUS+, CEEPUS, AKTION):
- verifying whether MUNI has a contract with a foreign institution,
- establishment and assistance with filling out the record of the proposal in ISEP, securing signatures on the Letter of Intent or Letter of Endorsement, securing other mandatory application attachments in cooperation with CIC, communication with the provider and CIC, coordination of communication with other departments at FSS MUNI.