Project Implementation
Contract with partners, with the provider
Office for Research and Project Support:
We provide a template of the Consortium Agreement, we assist with finalizing the text of the agreement, including negotiations with project partners and the MU lawyer,
We could help with collecting documents for the provider to conclude the Grant Agreement, we ensure approval of the agreements in ISEP (Project management information system), signatures and we ensure the submission of the contract into the Register of Contracts,
if you are collaborating with another MU faculties or units in the project, we will assist with the drafting of the Cooperation Agreement, including ISEP approval and signatures.
Providing consultation to project partners
Office for Research and Project Support and the Economic Department:
- we offer joint meetings (in person, online) with representatives of the project partners on the progress of the project from an administrative point of view,
- we will provide a PPT presentation with basic information on the project design, including guidelines on budget spending,
- provide consultations with partners during the project by e-mail, telephone.
Project budget and its implementation
Economic department (contact person according to the type of project):
- control and advice on budget implementation,
- allocation of costs to the corresponding budget lines,
- processing orders, invoices and payments, archiving documents,
- advising on the determination of the supplier-customer relationship, including contracts in accordance with Section 1746: drafting, drawing up the contract, checking and ensuring entry in the Register of Contracts
- Overhead cost at FSS for 2025 16.84 %.
FSS Central Library:
- ensuring the purchase of books, journals, e-resources, including the tender procedure (,
- advice and support for meeting Open Science project conditions for project deliverables (publications and data): selection of a suitable journal for Open Access publishing, ensuring that the deliverable is deposited and published in the university repository in accordance with the publisher's licensing conditions, advice on the selection of a suitable repository for depositing research data. Contact: Mgr. Aneta Pilátová, e-mail:
- purchase, installation and maintenance of HW / SW within and outside Central Purchasing (advice on selection, market research, ordering, communication with the supplier, checking technical parameters on delivery, installation, maintenance).
Conclusion of employment contracts and agreements
Personnel department (
- preparation and implementation of selection procedures: publication of the selection procedure on the Official Board of MU and FSS, LinkedIn, FB,, Prá, EURAXESS, communication with applicants during and at the end of the selection procedure, written documentation for the procedure and its subsequent archiving,
- assistance in employing foreign team members: formalities associated with arrival (e.g. visa, foreign police, health care, accommodation), registration in the insurance system, consultation with persons working in several EU countries and practical assistance with formalities.
The assistant at the department/institute/workplace will ensure the conclusion of agreements for work carried out outside the employment relationship (DPP/DPČ).
Change procedures, partial and final reports
Help with the preparation and formalities of the change request: ensuring communication with partners, the provider, ISEP approval, sending the request (Office for Research and Project Support); financial part of the application (Economic Department), supporting documents related to personal costs (Personnel Department).
Information support regarding partial and final reports: individual consultation, joint training, instructions for preparing reports, feedback on prepared reports, ensuring formalities of reports: signatures, formal attachments, ensuring the approval process in ISEP, sending the report to the provider (Office for Research and Project Support); preparation of documents for the financial part of reports, entering budget items into providers' information systems (Economic Department).
Results of the project and its promotion, work with data
Department for Research and Project Support:
consultation on the reporting of results and on the Contract on the use of results: sample contract, communication with CTT MUNI and RMU, assistance in concluding the contract (communication with the user, approval, signatures).
Economics Department:
consultation and advice on publishing publications including monographs, copyright and intellectual property (e.g. co-publishing agreements, license agreements).
FSS Central Library (
- consulting in the field of choosing a suitable repository for project outputs, more here,
- consultation regarding the fulfillment of project conditions in the field of Open Access, more here,
- basic support in the implementation of the Data management plan, more here,
- registration of publication outputs, levy to RIV, more here.
- consultation and advice on the use of MS Teams and OneDrive repositories or other supported by MUNI. Setting document groups on the document server in IS,
- consultation, training and advice on using O365+ (team communication, Zoom user options, MS Teams, etc.),
- creation of email accounts, provision of aliases for mass communication within grants.
Department for Internal and External Communication (
- coordination of cooperation with the press department of MUNI: communication with the public, cooperation with the press and online media, drafts of press releases, production of photographs,
- design and acquisition of promotional materials for the project (templates of a unified visual style - presentations, leaflets, banners, printed materials, promotional items, etc.), assistance in writing popularization articles,
- providing up-to-date materials about the faculty: a "promo pack" from which official promotional information can be drawn,
- support in the creation of websites: graphic design, contacts at UVT, where they deal with the creation of a new website and its creation for all MU employees (free).
Erasmus+, CEEPUS, AKTION, etc.
For projects belonging to the agenda of the Center for Foreign Cooperation (e.g. Erasmus+ Key Actions Mobility of Individuals KA1, CEEPUS, AKTION), the Office for International Relations ( provides administrative support:
- ensuring the conclusion of contracts with the provider, including partnership and cooperation agreements, including their administration (communication with a foreign institution, securing signatures and sending contracts, recording contracts, entering into ISEP),
- consultation and ensuring the conclusion of contracts for internships (draft contract, securing signatures, etc.).
Erasmus+ Key Actions Cooperation Among Organisations and Institutions (KA2) - administrative support is provided by the Office for Research and Project Support
Open Science and Data Management Plan
Open access to scientific information (generally Open Science) represents one of the main areas of development of contemporary scientific practise. Higher availability of scientific information improves public services and enables innovation to be introduced more quickly and more efficiently.
Open Science represents two essential areas:
1. Scientific publications published in Open Access mode.
2. Research data shared respecting the FAIR principles (Findable-Accessible-Interoperable-Reusable).
On January 1, 2020 Masaryk University started a new three-year project coordinated by The Institute of Computer Science with the goal to develop institutional policy, infrastructure and systematic support for Open Science at Masaryk University.
Open access to scientific publications
Open access to scientific publications represents peer-reviewed scientific and research journal articles including their manuscripts, conference papers, monographs, conference articles, textbooks and commentary publications including research information. Open Access stands for free and unlimited online access to this information with the right to re-use the content regarding appropriate public licenses. Open publications can be distributed and used in science, teaching and all areas of the information society.
Traditional publishing model permits access to publication only for subscribers,
Open Access offers this option for everyone. The two main routes of providing Open Access to your scientific publications are:
Gold Open Access - the published version of the research paper is freely available online in an open access journal. Open Access is provided by publisher.
Green Open Access - publishing in a subscription based journal and self-archiving of an accepted version (a post-print manuscript after a peer-review without a graphic layout of the publisher) in an institutional repository. Open access is provided by author.
Both these ways are complementary, so you can choose which one is more suitable for the fulfilment of your project conditions.The collection and archiving of published employees’ works at Masaryk University is regulated by Masaryk University Directive No. 4/2013 - Repository of Employees’ Works.
If you need any help with a selection of appropriate journal, analyse publishers conditions, save the article to the institutional repository or look for a suitable repository for your research result, do not hesitate to contact your faculty Open Science Coordinator at (Aneta Pilatova).
Research data sharing – FAIR Data (=Findable-Accessible-Interoperable-Reusable)
Sharing/publishing research data is necessary tool for accelerating and improving overall research process and practise. It brings new opportunities for active participation of Masaryk University in European and international activities (e.g. European Open Science Cloud, etc.).
Open Data are becoming more and more important for our university. Also obligations regardign funders’ conditions and grant agreements towards storing, sharing and publishing of research data are expanding.
Since 2014 it has been a condition of selected research grants of EU Horizon 2020 research program. Since 2017 the obligation has been extended to all supported projects from this program. Similar requirements are already implemented or prepared by other international program schemes (e.g. Horizon Europe). These conditions are also included in the framework of the National Research and Development Policy of the Czech Republic 2021+ and related interventions of funding bodies.
Specific obligations for employees and students of Masaryk University (MU) in acquiring, storing and using research data are regulated by Directive No. 6/2013 – On Research Data at MU.
Data management plan (DMP)
The creation of Data management plan (DMP) is becoming more frequent requirement for the fulfilment of project support. DMP describes the research data life cycle including data collection, creation and procession within a particular project. It also contains information to ensure that the data meets FAIR principles (findable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable). Further, it describes the method chosen for saving data during and after the project, methodological approaches, standards and practices to ensure their availability. Other required information includes types of software tools necessary for opening particular data.
Domain knowledge of scientific data is a necessary precondition for succesfull preparation of DMP for a project. Therefore, the primary role in the process of creation of DMP is the one of the scientist. The Faculty library, in cooperation with the university Open Science Core team, can provide methodological support, for example by recommending DMP management tools (such as the Data Stewardship Wizard), and guide you during the development phase of DMP.
You can find more information about tools for research data management on the website Open Science at MU.
Need help with Open Science at FSS?
Do not hesitate to contact Central Library of Faculty of Social Sciences, which in cooperation with university Open Science Core Team can providee you with consultation regarding Open Access and FAIR Data. The contact person for our faculty is Aneta Pilatova (faculty Open Science Coordinator,