TA CR SIGMA Sub-goal 3: Support of the innovative potential of social sciences, humanities and arts

TA CR announced a call in the SIGMA program sub-goal 3 Support of the innovation potential of social sciences, humanities and arts with a deadline of 13/12/2024.

Areas and research topics are defined.


Applicants choose exactly one area in the project proposal and then one research topic from the chosen area. Applicants will describe in their project proposal how their project proposal fulfills this focus.


The need for change in education (Topic: Transforming education for the digital era)

Economic stability and sustainability of the Czech Republic (Topics: Analysis of global trends and their impact on the Czech Republic; Research on the strategy of the transition to renewable energy sources in the Czech Republic)

Responses to Epistemic Crisis, Institutional Disintegration, Loneliness and Coherence Crisis (Topics: Development of Information Detection and Verification Tools; Media Literacy Programs)

Quality of life with regard to climatic and environmental changes (Topics: Community adaptation programs for increasing resistance to climatic and environmental changes; Psychological impacts of climatic and environmental changes on various demographic groups of Czech citizens)


Duration of project implementation: 12-42 months (August-October 2025 – max March 2029)

Applicant: company (e.g. non-profit organizations, associations, contribution organizations, state organizational units, territorial self-governing units), research organization

Just one application guarantor (internal, external; the company can only be an internal AG – i.e. part of a consortium)

An external application guarantor can be:

research organization;
territorial self-governing unit;
organizational component of the state;
legal entity pursuant to Act No. 561/2004 Coll., on preschool, elementary, secondary, higher vocational and other education (Education Act), pursuant to § 124 paragraph 2 letter and);
another legal entity, if it does not meet the definition of an enterprise (e.g. contribution organization, state organization).

Maximum support of CZK 12 million per project

Max support per project 80% (20% co-financing)


Information on the TA CR website

Important dates

Datum Popis
13 Dec 2024

Deadline of the call.

Main person to contact

Person to contact regarding budgets

Person to contact regarding wages

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