Support for Ukrainian scientists and students - TA CR and GA CR
Expansion of research teams beyond 20% of the approved total capacity of the team by researchers and students from Ukraine is possible in 2022 without a request.
Transfers of (unlimited) grant funds allocated to beneficiaries, resp. to another participant due to the expansion of the research teams by researchers from Ukraine to the item of personnel costs are possible until the end of 2022 without a request.
Asks applicants in this year’s public calls to consider including Ukrainian students and scientists in the investigation teams of newly proposed projects.
We also encourage the beneficiaries to consider including Ukrainian colleagues in the research teams of new projects proposals in the calls for proposals to be announced this year.
We encourage researchers of the projects funded by TA CR to consider expanding their project teams by including scientists and students from Ukraine. It is sufficient to inform TA CR about this step in the annual project report.
Beneficiaries of the funding may submit a request for increasing the budget by the amount of the costs related to the involvement of Ukrainian colleagues or students in the research teams (since March 7, 2022).