Become a supervisor and expand your research team in the MSCA-PF2023 call

As part of the project department's activities, we offer support in finding suitable candidates for the Marie Sklodowska - Curie Actions - Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA-PF). The MSCA-PF is a prestigious two-year international EU postdoctoral grant, which aims to support the comprehensive career development of young postdocs.

At the core of the proposal is a strong scientific idea and research plan, but also a plan to develop hard and transferable skills.


As a supervisor, you are actively involved in preparing and implementing the applicant's proposal (scope of work approx. 12h). In preparing the proposal, the applicant and the supervisor complement each other, enriching each other's knowledge, expertise, and approach.

Our department will help you with the following:

Verifying the eligibility of already shortlisted candidates

Preparation and administration of the project application (ISEP, EU portal, communication with Economic and Personnel offices, institution description)

The deadline for declaring your interest in becoming a supervisor is 27.1.2023.


  1. The applicant must have defended his/her doctoral thesis no later than the deadline of the call
  2. The applicant may apply up to 8 years after defending their doctoral thesis (excluding time spent outside Europe, parental leave, etc.)
  3. The applicant has not lived/studied/worked in the host country for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately preceding the call deadline

Important dates

Datum Popis
27 Jan 2023

Deadline for the declaration of interest

8 Feb 2023

Workshop for supervisors

Main person to contact

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