Possibilities of research cooperation with Switzerland

We present the possibilities of research cooperation and research stays in Switzerland, which colleagues (Jitka Wolfova, Jitka Hotarkova) from Office for Research and Project Support obtained during their internship at the University of Fribourg.

If you are interested in any form of cooperation with Switzerland, please contact us. We will help you with the preparation of the proposal, finding out other options and information, or connecting to specific workplaces and people at the University of Fribourg.


1. Swiss institutions can be partners in Horizon Europe projects. However, their participation is not financed from the EU budget, but is provided by the Swiss Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation (State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI).

It is also possible to use the support of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF):

2. SNSF Scientific Exchanges

1-6 months research stay for Czech researchers (PhD students are not eligible) in Switzerland or vice versa.

Proposals can only be submitted by eligible persons employed by a Swiss research institution. It covers travel and accommodation costs of up to EUR 25’000.

Applications at any time latest 4 months before intended stay.

Success rate >90%

3. WEAVE/Lead agency

GACR information 

Bi- and trilateral projects (24 - 36 months) in the field of basic research in cooperation with the GA CR and SNSF.

The lead agency can be the SNSF - proposals are usually submitted twice a year, April/October (the nearest DL 2 October 2023). The Czech part of the application (completed in GRIS) must be delivered to the GA CR within 7 days of submission on the SNSF side. The foreign filed proposal is attached instead of part C1. Success rate approx. 20%.

The lead agency can be GA CR - the call is announced as part of the spring calls of GA CR with DL at the beginning of April. The Czech applicant fills out the entire application in GRIS, including part C1 and the foreign partner's budget.

Success rate 20%

The Weave tool helps to find the next submission date: Weave - Find Your Funding (weave-research.net)

4. Funding for Czech PhD students (and postdocs) 

Scholarships of 12 months (prolonged max to 36 months for PhD students): 

The research scholarship (research fellowship, PhD, Postdoc) is available to post-graduate researchers in any discipline (who hold a master’s degree is the minimum qualification required) who are planning to come to Switzerland to pursue research or further studies at doctoral or post-doctoral level.

Only candidates nominated by an academic supervisor at higher education institutions will be considered.

Main person to contact

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