SIGMA TA CR program: Announcement of preliminary parameters of the 5th public competition - Long-term research plans

The TA CR is preparing the announcement of the 5th call of the SIGMA programme Long-term research plans and Solutions to current R&D needs on 6 December 2023.

The public competition of the SIGMA Program is focused on long-term research plans and solutions to the current needs of R&D and society, which cannot be solved within the framework of short-term projects and at the same time require an interdisciplinary approach. For the given public competition, 4 topics were determined, the project proposal must fully fulfill the selected topic.

One project will be supported in each topic.


Topics - you must choose one topic:

Impact of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning on Society;
"EcoVision" - achieving climate neutrality and energy availability;
Resilience of municipalities and regions through SMART solutions;
Public health and health and social care delivery.

Each project proposal must contain at its core an element of SHUV (social sciences, humanities or arts).


Main applicant: research organization

The solution of the project must take part in the cooperation of min. two small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and further min. one other entity (resarch organization, enterprise, organizational component of the state or territorial self-governing unit). I.e. min 4 applicants.

Project solution: September 2024-December 2029, min 60 months, max 64 months.

It is necessary to elect the Project Council (the majority of external members, one of the internal members must have SHUV expertise).

Maximum amount of support per project: CZK 125 million

Max support intensity: 80%


Preliminary parameters of the call

Important dates

Datum Popis
6 Dec 2023

Preliminary date of the call announcement.

Main person to contact

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