Current grants
Announcement of the 6th call of the Environment for Life Programme
TA ČR has announced a call within the Environment for Life programme with a deadline of 14.9.2022.
Subprogramme 1 - Operational research in the public interest and Subprogramme 2 - Eco-innovation, technologies and practices for environmental protection
More information on the competition here.
Seznam nově schválených COST akcí
List of newly approved COST Actions to which it is possible to join (without a financial contribution from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports), here.
CA21107 Work inequalities in later life redefined by digitalization
CA21120 History of Identity Documentation in European Nations: Citizenship, Nationality and Migration
CA21127 Techno-economic analysis of carbon mitigation technologies
CA21166 Social Sciences and Humanities for Transformation and Climate Resilience
TAČR has announced the 5th public competition in the Programme for Support of Applied Research, Experimental Development and Innovation THÉTA.
The main objective of the programme is to contribute to the fulfilment of the vision of transformation and modernisation of the energy sector in accordance with the approved strategic materials. This objective will be achieved through support for research, development and innovation projects in the energy sector that are aimed at improving the management of the energy sector by the public administration, new technologies and system elements with high potential for rapid application in practice as well as long-term technological perspectives.
Deadline for submission of proposals 27.7.2022.
New TA CR SIGMA programme approved
On 18 May, the Government of the Czech Republic approved a new programme of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic called SIGMA, which will support applied research and innovation projects.
The announcement of the first public competitions is scheduled for the end of this year (2022) within the budget possibilities.
Open Science Workshop 2022 at FSS
The University Open Science team invites you on Wednesday 8.6. 2022 (10: 00–16: 00) to the Faculty of Social Studies (room P31), where the third year of the university-wide event to support and develop Open Science at the university called "Open Science Workshop 2022" will take place, which will take place in hybrid mode.
More information and registration here.
Online ERC Mentoring Initiative - Call for Applications
Together with the Polish Academy of Sciences (Polska Akademia Nauk, PAN) and generously supported by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science (Ministerstwo Edukacji i Nauki), the IWM has established a mentoring initiative for applicants for European Research Council (ERC) Starting and Consolidator Grants in the humanities and social sciences from Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. This mentoring initiative is addressed in particular to researchers in the areas of history, anthropology, political science, sociology, science and technology studies, as well as cultural and literary studies aiming to submit in 2022 – 2023.
Internationally established scholars, who have served as members of ERC evaluation panels, or who have held ERC grants themselves will act as mentors during a workshop. The next workshop will be held remotely on 8-9 July 2022. Participation is free; the workshop language is English.
International Visegrad Fund calls
Visegrad Grants is a grant program run and financed by the International Visegrad Fund aimed at fostering cooperation between the V4 countries (Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia).
Proposals are accepted regularly three times per year always by February 1, June 1 and October 1. -
TA CR Environment for Life - preliminary parameters of the 6th public tender
The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR ) together with the Ministry of the Environment informs about the preparation of the 6th public tender of the Program for the Support of Applied Research, Experimental Development and Innovation in the Environment - Environment for Life, which is tentatively announced on June 29, 2022.
Centrum transferu technologií
Moving Office for research and project support
Colleagues who used to sit on the 3rd floor returned to the 5th floor.
Mgr Eva Kicková can now be found in office 5.55 and
Bc. Ivana Mackerlová in the office 5.54.
TA CR call schedule 2022
The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic has announced a schedule of calls for 2022.
Unfortunately, no calls are yet planned in the new SIGMA program suitable for SSH.
Visegrad 4 Ukraine - call of Visegrad fund
The aim of the call for proposals for small grants is to help mitigate the effects of war on the refugees arriving from Ukraine/residing in V4 countries, to strengthen the capacities of local authorities, public institutions and civil society organizations who provide the necessary assistance in terms of health and social services in the short- and mid-term, and to ease potential tensions between the refugees and local populations resulting from a lack of information, language barriers and social and economic differences.
Dedaline May 1, 2022. More here.
TA CR Program TRANSPORT 2020+ preliminary parameters
The TA CR, together with the Ministry of Transport, informs about the preparation of the 4th public tender of the Program for the Support of Applied Research, Experimental Development and Innovation in the Field of Transport - TRANSPORT 2020+.
The announcement of this public tender is planned for April 6, 2022.
Preliminary parameters of the 4th public tender of the TRANSPORT 2020+ Program can be found HERE (in Czech only).
GA CR - a guide for early-stage researchers - possibilities of research support
As part of its support, GA CR has published a handbook with information on grant opportunities for early-stage researchers (also in English).
Proposals for some calls can be submitted before reaching the PhD degree, including the call for Standard Projects.
Other possibilities are POSTDOC INDIVIDUAL FELLOWSHIP (PIF) INCOMING for the return of Czech young researchers (up to 4 years from PhD) from abroad and foreign researchers who want to work for 3 years at Czech institutions.
PIF OUTGOING - for Czech young researchers who want to gain experience abroad (2-year internship).
JUNIOR STAR for excellent researchers up to 8 years after PhD who want to establish their own research team.
More information on current calls of GA CR 2023 here.