Pozvánka na seminář OV RMU How to write a competitive proposal?

OV RMU zve na workshop:

How to write a competitive proposal?

Workshop se koná 15. října 2019, 10-15 h v Campusu Bohunice, Kamenice 5, A35, místnost 211.

Registrace zde.


Our comprehensive introduction in grant writing will help you answer questions such as:

• Where do I look for funding opportunities?
• How are the European funding programmes designed?
• What does the funding provider expect?
• How do I find the correct partners for my project?
• Am I the right person to coordinate the project?
• How does the grant writing style differ from academic writing?
• How and against what criteria are European projects evaluated?
• What to write in the standard sections in European funding proposals?
• How do I define the impact of my project?
• What support can I expect from the Grant Office?

The training may help you formulate just about any kind of funding proposal, but the main focus will definitely be European collaborative projects from the perspective of coordinator.
Target groups: group leaders, principal investigator, or postdocs interesting in improving their grant writing skills

Důležitá data

Datum Popis
15. 10. 2019

Termín konání workshopu How to write a competitive proposal?

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