TA CR THETA - 3rd call

The aim of the program is to contribute, in the medium and long term, to the vision of transformation and modernization of the energy sector in accordance with the approved strategic materials.

Sub-program 1 - Research in the public interest; Sub-program 2 - Strategic energy technologies; Sub-program 3 - Long-term technology perspectives.

More about sub-programes here (only in Czech)


Applicants: enterprise, research organization

A project proposal should be written in Czech (or Slovak).

If you need more information in English, please contact me (lorencova@fss.muni.cz).


Maximum amount of support per project: PP1 - CZK 10 million; PP2 and PP3 - unlimited
Maximum aid intensity per project: PP1 - 90%; PP2 - 60%; PP3 - 90%
Duration: PP1 and 2 12-48 months; PP3 36-66 months


Basic information about THETA call (in Czech)
Information about subprogrames (in Czech)
Priority research objectives (in Czech)
Tender documents (in Czech)

Important dates

Datum Popis
19 Dec 2019

Deadline of the call.

4 Nov 2019

Please, let us know if you are interested in this call (lorencova@fss.muni.cz).

Main person to contact

Person to contact regarding budgets

Ing. Lenka Plachá

Person to contact regarding wages

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