TA CR announced the 1st call of a new program Environment for Life which is focused on supporting projects in the public interest, on new procedures, environmental technologies and eco-innovations with high potential for rapid application in practice, to support time and knowledge-intensive solutions based on long-term monitoring of social, natural and climate change.


The objective of sub-program 1: to increase resource efficiency and reduce environmental pollution; reduce the risks arising from inadequate or extensive environmental protection, lack of adaptation to climate change and its consequences; to increase the quality of life of the inhabitants of the Czech Republic and to introduce prevention of environmental pollution instead of eliminating the consequences of pollution.
The objective of sub-program 2: promote eco-innovation, technology and techniques in technical environmental protection; to provide procedures to minimize the risks of poor environmental quality for human health, their environment and nature.


Financial support: SP 1 100%, SP 2 90%

Project duration: SP 1 12-36 months,  SP 2 24-48 months

At least one application guarantor is necessary.

Project proposal should be in Czech, all information are only in Czech.



Documents (in Czech only).

Important dates

Datum Popis
21 Jun 2019

Let us know if you are interested in this call (lorencova@fss.muni.cz).

19 Sep 2019

Deadline of the call.

29 Feb 2020

Results of the call.

Main person to contact

Person to contact regarding budgets

Ing. Lenka Plachá

Person to contact regarding wages

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